Page 13 of Cross

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“Dana, it’s me,” Cross’s voice called out, and her heart soared with relief.

The dread that had gripped her moments ago began to ebb away. These were not Panther and his men.

She turned to her father. “Dad, grab your bag. It’s Cross and his men. It’s time to go,” she ordered. The tone in her voice got him moving.

Leaving everything behind wasn’t an easy decision, but they both understood the gravity of their situation. If they stayed, they would be nothing more than sitting ducks for the Crows, and who knew what plans Panther had for Dana.

As Dana and her father hastily made their way out of the garage, she once again heard the rumble of motorcycle engines.

Then the first gunshot pierced the air. Her mouth went dry. Dana’s heart thundered as the sound reverberated in her ears.

Her father let out a pained cry, and Dana turned to see him clutching his arm, blood seeping through his fingers. He had been shot. Panther and four other Crows had finally arrived and gut-wrenching fear struck her.

Chaos erupted and a violent confrontation ensued. Gunshots echoed in rapid succession. Men cursed and yelled. Time seemed to move in slow motion. Standing a few feet from Dana stood Panther. He leveled a gun at her head. “Traitorous bitch!” he yelled at her.

She froze in her tracks. Why couldn’t she move at a time like this? Was this it? Was this how her life was going to end?

But just as panic threatened to consume her, salvation arrived in the form of Cross. In a blur of motion, he tackled her to the ground and shot at Panther. Panther screamed as a bullet found its way to his knee.

“Cross, we need to leave before more Crows arrive!” Priest’s urgent yell cut through the noise and confusion.

Cross helped Dana to her feet. He looked into her eyes. “You all right?” he asked.

Dana desperately scanned the scene for her father, her heart clenching with fear. She spotted another biker, one of Cross’s men, assisting Jeremy onto a Harley.

“Let’s go,” Dana told Cross.

She climbed onto the back of his Harley, her pulse still racing. She wrapped her arms around Cross’s waist. In that moment, he felt like a source of warmth and safety.

By some miracle, their group sped away from the street. Dana couldn’t stop trembling, her nerves still on edge.

Cross must’ve noticed her shaking. “It’s all over, Dana,” he assured her. “We managed to get away from them.”

Dana couldn’t shake the lingering sense of unease. Not yet, she thought, her eyes darting anxiously to their surroundings.

As they left the town behind, two of the Crows attempted to give chase. But as their group gained distance and speed, the pursuing bikers eventually gave up the chase. For now, they had managed to escape the immediate danger. As Cross and his men put more miles between themselves and the Crows, Dana began to relax.

She clung tightly to Cross, resting her head against his muscled back. She still couldn’t believe they had somehow managed to escape with minimal casualties. Sure, her dad was shot in the arm. Cross and the two other bikers looked worse for wear, but no one had died.

As their group passed by cornfields and the threat seemed to fade, Dana couldn’t shake the haunting memory of Panther’s murderous expression. The way he had pointed that gun at her, the coldness in his eyes, and the venom in his words still sent shivers down her spine.

Cross only managed to shoot him in the leg. Panther would live and he’d come for Dana and her dad again when the opportunity arose.

Dana shook her head. No use thinking about that for now. They were safe. That was all that mattered. She focused on the present, on Cross’s incredibly warm body pressed against her front.

Would he demand some form of payment for his aid? Dana wouldn’t mind giving him a reward or losing herself in him. After all, the distraction would be a welcome addition to the mess that her life had suddenly become.

She thought of the sleepless nights she lay alone in her own bed, imagining Cross above her, doing wicked things to her body while she whimpered and begged for more.

It was time to find out if her fantasies would live up to the real thing.

Chapter Seven

Cross, Priest, and Spike rode through the night. It had been exhausting, but they finally reached Hanging Grove. Home sweet home.

Dana had dozed off on the back of Cross’s Harley, snuggled against him and clinging tightly during the ride. He could hear her soft snores as they rolled closer to the MC clubhouse, which was on the outskirts of town.

As they arrived at their familiar haunt, Cross gave Dana a gentle shake to wake her up. He debated if he should just leave her be and carry her the rest of the way, but Cross didn’t want Dana to wake up in some strange room and panic.
