Page 159 of Timber

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Someone claps my shoulder and I turn, seeing Reaper there. Bastion steps forward to follow us, but Levi calls him back to her.

“Come on. Let’s go see what the fuckers left for us.”

We approach the gate and Drae comes out of the gatehouse.

“Sorry that I couldn’t see his face, Pres. I didn’t go after him because I didn’t want to leave the gate unmanned.”

“It’s not your fault, Drae, and that was the right call not leaving your post.” He pauses and looks down at his phone. “Lex said he pulled up the road cameras and there hasn’t been any motion since the last guest arrived until this mystery person showed up. He couldn’t see his face either, but from the build, he’s guessing it was a guy.”

Thor looks around at everyone that’s gathered, though his gaze lingers on Dragon’s and mine for a moment.

“Guns out, be prepared.” He turns back to Drae. “Open the gate.”

Drae walks back toward the gate and I draw my gun.

Thor steps forward, but Phoenix puts a hand on his shoulder. “I’ve got it, Pres.”

He gives Phoenix a hesitant look but eventually gives him a chin lift.

Ryder, Devil and Razor all step up behind Phoenix as they approach the package.

Suddenly, Phoenix holds up a hand and the others stop. Everyone goes quiet when he gives the sign to be quiet.

Then he turns on his heel toward the gatehouse. “Run!” he shouts and grabs Drae by his cut, dragging him out and back toward the clubhouse.

We all back away quickly, and I duck behind the side of the clubhouse when the package explodes.

When the dust and debris settles, I peek around the corner, my gun still drawn but I don’t see anyone that shouldn’t be here.

Turning toward the men at my side, my gaze rakes over them all, but other than being dusty, no one is injured.

Thor gives the signal and we all approach slowly. I glance inside and see the guests starting to file into the main room. I release a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding when I see Mae inside.

Refocusing, we all cautiously approach the gate.

There’s a charred hole in the pavement where the box was, but nothing remains of the box. I turn my focus back to the gate I’d helped install and frown when I see the damage to it and both gatehouses.

We’re going to need a better gate and gatehouses. This can’t happen again.

“Four men guard the gate until we’re able to get it replaced. Four-hour shift rotations. Timber, we’ll discuss a plan later.”

“You got it, Pres.”

I already know what I want to do and when another bomb goes off, there will be no damage to the gate or gatehouse. There will also be no serious injuries to whoever is guarding the gate.

“First round is Prospects while we meet. Party’s over. Everyone, help the guests get out, then we’ll have Church.”

Tucking my gun away, I make a beeline for the clubhouse. Thor and Dragon join me at the front while the rest of our brothers fan out.

Pushing open the door, Thor clears his throat and whistles to get everyone’s attention. “Our apologies, but the evening will have to be cut short. As I’m sure you all just heard, there was an explosion at the gate. Thankfully, no one was injured. We don’t know any other details at this time, but for your safety, you will all need to leave.”

Murmurs spread throughout the crowd, but I ignore them as I make my way toward Mae and sweep her up into my arms. “Don’t say anything about it till everyone’s gone,” I whisper in her ear and feel her nod against me.

It takes about twenty minutes for everyone to leave except family members who had already planned on staying at the compound. Those that are staying have already gone to whoever’s house they are crashing in.

When it’s just club members, the Prospects, and Mae, Thor’s about to say something when a phone rings.

It’s Drae’s, who Patch was looking over since he and Phoenix were the closest ones to the bomb when it went off. Neither were hurt seriously, just a few scratches.
