Page 169 of Timber

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“Only if you are sure you can out-gun them. Do not do anything stupid. If you’re able to put trackers on them, we can regroup and go after them then when we have more manpower.”

“Wait. What if they have their cars in the garage and you aren’t able to get in through a door? I mean, they have a side door from the pictures I pulled up, but what if they are blocked?” I point out.

“You best not be volunteering, Sunshine. I don’t want you near any of those fuckers,” Timber darn near growls.

I shake my head. “No, and I know neither you nor Dad would allow it. But Dad, Dragon, Bear, Reaper, and Kai all volunteered to go with you. If your only access point is that window,” I pause and point out said window in one of the pictures. “Then none of you will be able to fit through it. Plus, you’ll probably need to split up because the cabins are about a half-mile apart, it looks like.”

Thor nods. “Take Lex and Colt, too. They aren’t small by any means, but they’re smaller than you guys. Plus, Lex is stealthy as shit and Colt’s been improving in that area as well.” He squeezes my shoulder. “Good thinking, Mae.”

Pride runs through me, and when Levi winks at me, I can’t help my smile.

It’s mid-afternoon by the time my group finally sneaks up to the first cabin. Smoke had found us an old, overgrown farm road on the maps to park the SUV. Since it was about a half mile trek to either cabin from there, we had thought about using hunting as a cover, but we didn’t want to draw attention to us by wearing bright orange. At least we all have camo gear to help us blend in.

Voices from inside the house bring my attention back to the cabin. It’s a two-story cabin and looks like it has two, maybe three bedrooms depending on the sizes. Luck seems to be on our side because this cabin’s garage door is open and the forest is close to the house on the backside by the garage. There are two cars in the garage and a third in the driveway.

“L, go around the back and when the coast is clear, sneak into the garage and put the trackers on the cars,” I whisper through our coms. I still have no idea how Levi got a hold of these communications devices, but I’m thankful as fuck right now.

Lex: “Got it.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lex stand slightly and then he’s gone. The fucker really is like a shadow.

The voices get louder and my frown deepens when it sounds like they are arguing over something. I hope like fuck that Lex can get the tracker on before whoever is inside decides to leave.

Pulling out my phone, I ready my camera and take a few pictures when the front door opens. Cursing, I quickly switch to video. A man comes into view that I don’t recognize carrying a large black duffel bag. He pops the trunk of the car in the driveway and puts the bag inside, leaving the trunk door open before heading back inside.

Movement off to the side has me holding my breath as Lex shimmies slightly under said car to place a tracker, and then places two others before slipping into the dark garage.

A few moments later, I see him retreat back into the forest and his voice comes over the coms.

Lex: “Three vehicles marked, three on each at location A. Verify they are live.”

I look down at the handheld device Smoke gave me and nod. “They are all live.”

Lex: “The bag had a person in it, T. I heard her whimpering when I was by the trunk.”


“We need a headcount. We only have four men at this location.”

“There are a few large, bushy trees that will block me if I climb the one behind me. Want me to see if I can check the windows of the upstairs rooms?”Lex asks.

I hate to expose him, but we need to know who we’re dealing with and how many there are. “Do it, but don’t be seen.”

“I have one male in the kitchen. From here, it looks like Bruce. Pictures taken,”Bear says.

“I can see two males in the upper south bedroom. Don’t recognize any of them. Pictures taken. Descending,”Lex says, mimicking Bear’s response.

“There’s a woman in the upper north bedroom. She’s packing and not looking frazzled. Pictures taken. Descending,”Punisher adds.

“I got pictures of the man who put the duffle bag in the trunk. Stay put and capture anything else that may happen.”

“Roger,”they all reply.

Over the next half-hour, nine more large duffle bags are brought out of the house, and I can barely contain my rage. I’ve also seen the men are packing serious heat.

The men and women load up into the cars and I watch the monitor as they all start moving.

“Team B, our three are on the move. What’s your status?”
