Page 199 of Timber

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“It looks like you are right at eight weeks. I want to see you every two weeks to make sure things are progressing correctly. Nikki brought me up to speed on everything already. Elaine can set you up at the front desk with your appointments. We’ll leave you to get dressed.” He tips his head at us, and then a moment later, the door closes behind him.

Looking up at everyone, I grin, even though I’m in shock. “I’ll tell everyone at the clubhouse. I’m sorry for the guys waiting here in the lobby, but they’re going to have to wait twenty minutes. Timber, text Mama Astrid to round the crew up and we’ll call in as soon as we have everyone together.”

He grins and does as I ask while the others all give me a hug, whispering congratulations in my ear, and then filing out so I can get dressed.

Timber hands me my pants, but I can’t seem to tear my eyes off the pictures. “I can’t believe it. It’s a miracle.”

Kneeling, he starts sliding my jeans up my legs, and I finally put the pictures down to get dressed and then slide on my boots.

He pulls me close to his side and kisses me.

“Best believe it, baby. Now, come on. Mama Astrid’s already blowing up my phone. Let’s get home so we can tell everyone.”

Bouncing with happiness, I do a little twirl before heading out to the hall where everyone’s sulking.

“Why won’t you tell us?” Jordan whines and I can’t help but grin as I hold up the pictures but make sure they can’t see them.

“I promise, it’ll be worth the wait. Now, the sooner we get back home, the sooner we can call the Junction Creek crew and we can tell you about the baby.”

Fifteen minutes later, because yes of course the guys went a little faster than the speed limit, I’m dialing Mama Astrid on speaker phone as the Forest Creek members all surround Timber and me in the main room of the clubhouse.

“We’re all here, Mae! Tell us, is the baby healthy?”

“Yes, Mama Astrid, the baby is very healthy and we heard the heart-beats.” I pause, chewing on my lips to see who would notice first. I glance up at Timber and his grin widens as he wraps an arm around my shoulders.

“Heartbeats? As in plural?” Dom asks.

I nod before I realize they can’t see me. “Yes, heartbeats, Dom. Plural. All very healthy heartbeats. We’re having triplets!”

Cheers erupt all around me and from everyone on the phone.

“When are you due? How early are triplets usually born?” Axe asks.

“My due date is June 9th, but he said triplets can come as early as thirty-two weeks, which would be around April 14th. So, I guess time will tell.”

Timber hands my phone off to someone else and pulls me into his arms, kissing me passionately.

I moan as I sink into him and laugh when we get catcalls.

Staring down at the pictures, I can’t believe it, but I’m also relieved.

I’ve always wanted a big family, and it looks like I’ll have one.

Want more?

Read on to find out more details

about Levi, Thor, and Dragon’s wedding as well

as when their two little bundles of joy come

into the world <3

I can’t believe it. Today is finally here. My wedding day.

We decided to have the wedding here at the clubhouse and the reception will be in the backyard. The guys laid out some white fabric as a runner in the main room and they set up a bunch of chairs for everyone. The ladies all helped me decorate a beautiful white trellis arch with flowers that will stand behind Andre, who’s going to officiate our wedding. His whole club, minus a few that have to stay behind to protect their clubhouse, are here as well as my dad and a few of our close friends of the club.

Even some of our club bunnies are here, which still boggles my mind that I’ve become such good friends with six of them: Ashley, Ginger, Amy, Sarah, CJ, and Roxy. Technically CJ and Roxy aren’t bunnies, but they’re still on the books as that.
