Page 13 of Always and Forever

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She stops in front of me and steps aside to let me pass. There, in the corner, bathed in a soft spotlight, stands a mannequin adorned in an unexpected masterpiece. Well, unexpected for a remote place like this.

My gaze is immediately drawn toward this creation. My steps quicken as if pulled by an invisible force, and I find myself walking straight toward the display.

Claudette was right. This isn’t a traditional white lace or satin wedding dress, but something entirely different… something that the previous owner perhaps wore to a grand ball.

Wow, I never considered a dress like this one, but somehow it would be perfect.

I reach out, my fingers tracing the light, rose-pink fabric. I’m surprised by how soft it is. Mesmerized, I take in all the intricate details.

Claudette is watching me with a knowing smile. “What do you think?” she asks, her eyes alight.

I stare at the dress, my chest light, but my pulse racing.

“It’s perfection,” I say on a shaky breath. “It’s for sale, right? I’d like to try it on.”

Then panic hits me. What if this dress doesn’t fit me? I never knew I wanted a dress like this until a minute ago, but now I really, really do.

“I’ll find the shop assistant,” Claudette says and disappears behind a rack of clothing.

Lifting the full skirt, I fan it out before letting it fall, making the fabric swish. A picture I stared at a thousand times when I was little flashes in my mind. It’s of my mother on her wedding day, laughing and twirling in her silver-grey dress.

Wow! How did I not realize how similar this one is to hers?

Patting my belly, I wish she was here with me to share in the excitement of planning my wedding and welcoming her first grandchild into the world.

Lost in thought, I stare at the dress before me.

Oh my god.

I take a step closer and lift the sleeve up to my eyes. There are small embroidered roses decorating the end of the sleeves on both sides.

Ma’s favorite earrings and necklace were in the shape of a rose, just like the ones I’m looking at.

Perhaps she’s here with me and, like always, guiding me in subtle ways.

Warmth spreads through me, and tears prick at my eyes.

Thankfully rustling from behind distracts me enough to not let them fall. When I turn around, Claudette is returning with a short, rotund woman in her fifties. She introduces herself as Sarah, the owner of this shop.

“An older lady I’ve never met before dropped this dress off last week. I’m not sure when or where you’d wear it around here, but it sure is beautiful.”

Claudette is about to open her mouth and probably spill my and Tiero’s story, but I shake my head at her. Sometimes it’s too easy to forget we’re still in hiding and can’t divulge too much about ourselves.

Understanding, Claudette smiles. “Well, this dress is too magnificent to pass up. I’m sure the right occasion will come.”

Sarah carefully takes the dress off the mannequin and points to a curtained off area, and we duck behind it.

I quickly undress and step into the dress, the fabric draping around my body as if the garment has found its rightful place.

I swallow the lump in my throat as I lift my gaze to the large mirror on the wall.

All the air whooshes from my lungs. I almost don’t recognize myself.

Letting out a shaky breath, I laugh out loud. “I took my own breath away. That’s a first.”

Claudette steps closer, brushing my hair over my shoulder.

“You look ethereal,” she says, clasping a hand over her heart. “Like a princess.”
