Page 37 of Always and Forever

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“I’m sorry, Teo, for leaving you like this,” I whisper into the night air.

A sense of calm washes over me unexpectedly. I can’t explain it, but somehow, deep inside, I know my brother is okay.

This must be Claudette’s influence. I’ve spent too much time with her, but right now I’ll take it.

Ella stirs in my arms. Her eyes flicker open, a gentle smile gracing her lips.

“Good morning, amore,” she rasps, her voice husky from sleep.

She stretches her body, the blanket slipping from her and revealing her full breasts. It’s an invitation I can’t resist.

Ella giggles when I latch on, trying to shoo me away. It’s a fruitless endeavor.

“I can hear the shutters on the windows still rattling. The blizzard is meant to be over today, right?” she asks.

Peppering kisses to her skin, I shake my head.

“Is there any news at all?” she asks, trying to get a conversation going, but I’m way too occupied with her nipples to be interested in what’s happening outside.

“Phones are still down,” I mumble when she tugs on my hair.

“Have you tried the radio?”

Again I shake my head, and my angel twists her body to reach over to the nightstand, forcing me to release her nipple from my mouth.

Ah well… there’s an even juicier target. I disappear under the covers just as Ella turns on the radio.

The tune is familiar, and I listen for a moment to place it.

‘I had a dream there were clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee, and…’

I smirk against Ella’s groin. There are definitely no clouds inhercoffee, only perfection.

Chapter Sixteen


It’sthemorningofthe last day of the year—Tiero’s and my wedding day.

Are you wondering what it looks like?

I sure did when I woke up two hours ago, wrapped securely in Tiero’s arms while the blizzard was still howling outside, relentlessly shaking the storm shutters and bending the trees.

But miracle upon miracle, it looks like there’s a chance for our original plan to go ahead.


Well… as we all gathered in the kitchen to prepare breakfast, the storm eased up.

Now the howling gales have gradually given way to intermittent gusts and by the time we finish breakfast, a newfound calm settles over the winter world outside.

Snowflakes are still falling when we raise the shutters in the living room to peer through the windows. They paint a tranquil scene, especially with blue sky starting to break through the clouds in the distance.

“If it wasn’t for all the debris littering the icy ground, you could almost believe the blizzard never happened,” Rhia says, staring at the winter wonderland outside.

“I wish it hadn’t!” I reply. “Then we’d already have our marriage license. Without that, nothing can happen.”

“We will get married today,” Tiero declares with a tone of finality that has us all turn toward him.
