Page 52 of Always and Forever

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The way Tiero’s eyes lit up, the eagerness in his every move… how could I not melt?

I didn’t see it coming. Well, actually I did because I instigated it. But what I mean is, I didn’t expect it until Claudette had pronounced us husband and wife.

Tiero took me by surprise when he was running down the aisle toward me. I couldn’t help but run to him too.

And then he swooped me off my feet—literally and figuratively.

Now he’s back at his place by the altar, Lex by his side, his gaze like a furnace, heating me up.

“Proceed,” he commands, his voice hoarse as if he hadn’t used it in days.

“Ready?” Rhia asks as she takes my hand.

I turn to her and smile, pulling her in for a hug.

“Ready,” I whisper back. My throat is growing unbearably tight, and those damn tears are welling up.

Not now, not now, not now.

I will them back down. I want to see it all. This is no time for tears.

For a brief moment, I lean into my best friend. “Thank you for being here with me, Rhi. It means the world to me.”

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I love you, El.”

Her forehead rests against mine for a few precious seconds. “I love you too.”

Then the night air fills with the soft tunes of organ music.

There go the butterflies in my belly, or perhaps it’s peanut joining the party, kicking up a storm to let me know she’s here. I rub my abdomen, trying to soothe my sudden nerves.

Taking a deep breath, I nod at Rhia, and she gives my hand a squeeze. With my best friend by my side to give me away like we planned since my parents’ accident, I lift my snow boot and take the first step toward the rest of my life.

The gentle rustle of my gown accompanies the soft music and the crackling of the fire and torches.

Tiero stands tall and strong at the altar, our eyes locked on each other.

With each step I take toward him, the erratic butterflies settle, the certainty of what we’re about to do bringing a new level of peace.

This is the moment Tiero and I have been waiting for. It’s the culmination of our love story and all the obstacles we’ve overcome to be together.

My heart swells with gratitude, and my steps quicken with my eagerness to stand by the side of the man who is my forever.

When Rhia and I reach the altar, she releases my hand and places it in Tiero’s. His fingers curl around mine to pull me closer.

His eyes… I can’t look away.

The depth of his love is visible to every soul here.

He places a gentle kiss on my forehead, though I can tell he’d rather kiss me properly all over again. It takes restraint from both of us not to give into that urge.

Still, he trails his nose along my temple until he reaches my ear. His voice drops so only I can hear.

“I can’t wait to have you beneath me, wearing nothing but my wedding ring.”

Fuck me!

How is it suddenly so hot here? Surely, the snow is melting right off the trees.
