Page 66 of Always and Forever

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“I love you, amore,” Ella repeats, trying to catch her breath. She kisses my neck, my shoulders before lifting my face into her hands and guiding it to her lips. “For all eternity.”

I’m breathless, spent, and never felt happier.

“I love you more, angel,” I tell her, kissing her back, gently this time… reverently… my ravenous hunger for her satisfied. For now.

Still inside her and keeping us connected in the most intimate way, I roll us so my angel rests on top of me. She snuggles her head into the crook of my neck, and we lay in comfortable silence, basking in each other’s energy while our breathing returns to normal.

Ella draws lazy circles on my biceps and sighs contentedly.

What a day today has been… or yesterday, to be more precise.

We woke up not knowing what our wedding would look like or how it would proceed, only for it to turn into something completely unexpected.

It was unlike anything I imagined for myself. And it couldn’t have been more perfect. It was even funny.

To think I didn’t even know Ella existed six months ago.

But it all changed in that millisecond our eyes first connected. My heart warms at the memories, my body humming with the relief of having found her, and her having saved my life in so many ways—literally.

My angel presses her lips to my skin and lifts her head to peek up at me.

When she sees my pensive expression, she asks, “What are you thinking about?”

“I was remembering the day we met,” I reply, the smile in my voice obvious.

“What a day that was. You threw my entire existence off its axis.”

I chuckle. “It was the same for me. Your light shone so brightly, and I merged with it. I was yours from that moment on, and you were mine.”

I watch as Ella swallows hard. Then she lifts further up my body to touch her lips to mine.

“You own my every thought, angel,” I whisper. “My heart beats only for you. The weeks I had to endure without you felt like someone had ripped me apart and drove a monster truck over the mush. Let’s never do that again!”

“Never,” she agrees, her eyes turning glassy.

“We have been through so much, overcome the odds of being together. We had misunderstandings and miscommunications, but we learned from them. No doubt, we’ll have arguments here and there, but I know we’re always going to work things out. Because what we have is precious.”

I kiss her again, deepening our connection. My cock stirs inside her, ready to have her once more. But first I need a taste of her.

I glide out of her and march to the bathroom and return a moment later with a warm washcloth to wipe my angel’s body. Throwing it to the side, I let myself drop to my knees at the end of the bed and pull her body to the edge of the mattress.

My eyes stay laser focused on hers as I pepper kisses along her inner thighs. I watch as flickers of lust ripple over her face and her pupils dilate.

“You know, I’ve never gotten on my knees for anyone but you. And you will forever be the only person I’ll kneel for… to worship you with every fiber of my being.”

I nuzzle into her heat, inhaling her essence. She closes her eyes, moaning loudly, before her brilliant blue eyes connect with mine once more.

“You were it for me the moment I first looked into your eyes. It was like the universe swallowed me up whole, just to spit me out more complete than ever.

“Now our lives are one. You and me, always and forever.”

The End
