Page 11 of Redemption

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I blinked, unable to comprehend what I’d just heard.

A year? Grandpa wanted me to stay in this dilapidated ranch for a year?! Was this his sick idea of punishment?

“I have to what?” I whispered in disbelief.

“Manage the ranch for a year,” Anderson reiterated calmly as if the statement was the most natural thing in the world.


My voice trailed off. I looked at Beth, Ethan, and Jake. They were all leaning towards me in anticipation.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. I chuckled bitterly. Grandpa had ensnared me in his meticulously woven web. His last wish was my binding contract from beyond the grave.

Well, I had an announcement that would sidestep his directive and provide a practical solution.

“I’ll just hire a capable manager to run the ranch. It’s the best solution for everyone.”

Beth’s face fell. Ethan and Jake’s head bobbed up and down in agreement.

Anderson flipped through the pages with practiced ease. He directed my attention to a specific clause in the will. My eyes scanned the page. The sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach increased as he read the words aloud.

“In the event that the Harrington Ranch is sold, or a manager is hired to oversee its operations, the inheritance and all proceeds thereof shall be forfeited and donated to charitable causes as determined by the estate executor.”

My gaze fell on the worn tablecloth. It was as if the air around me was tightening. The rich coffee I was drinking suddenly tasted too bitter.

All I could think was,Grandpa thought of everything. He has roped me in fully and left no room for negotiation.

Grandpa’s commitment to preserving the ranch was unwavering. He'd made sure that his wishes were ironclad.

Realization hit me like a ton of bricks then. Grandpa wasn’t making a suggestion when he’d talked about Harringtons working the land. He’d been issuing a challenge.

He had wanted me to understand the true value of the ranch. To experience the hard work and dedication it required, just as he had throughout his life.

I sighed, massaging my forehead and temples with the tip of my fingers.

Beth swiftly served breakfast to all of us. She thrust a sealed envelope into my hand while putting a plate of scrambled eggs and crispy bacon in front of me. I opened it. It was in Grandpa's handwriting, and it read:

“My dearest Anna,

If you’re reading this letter, it means I’m no longer with you. You mean a lot to me, Anna, and I’m proud of the woman you’ve become. But there is something that I must ask of you, something that may be difficult to understand.

I know that the ranch holds a special place in your heart, just as it does in mine. I also know that you have your dreams and ambitions, far from the rural life of Marfa.

But I have left you this property, Anna, on the condition that you must reside here for a year. I hope you’ll come to understand the true value of this land in time. And I believe you can restore it to its former glory.

I know this is a lot to ask. And I understand if it's not what you have in mind for your future. But please, give it a chance. Marfa has a way of working its magic on people, just as it has on me.

With all my love,


I sniffled, wiping away the tears that had formed in my eyes.

The aroma of the meal didn’t bring any comfort. I mechanically moved the fork to my mouth, my mind journeying through the past.

I thought of my grandpa, the man who had stepped in as a father figure after my parent’s divorce. He had always been there for me, providing guidance and love.

The ranch held a special place in his heart. In many ways, it embodied his legacy. Staying here would allow me to reconnect with those feelings. It was a profound responsibility I couldn’t ignore.
