Page 13 of Redemption

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More than that, the thought of her living on the next-door ranch sent a thrill through me. It didn’t help that she was attractive.

“Why are you interested in Anna and Harrington Ranch so much?” Anderson asked.

Not wanting him to suspect my intentions, I groped for what to say.

“Anderson, Anna is… she’s a breathtaking woman with a spirit that matches. I realized lately that I care for her deeply. I’ve still got a soft spot for her.”

He gave a satisfied grunt.

I smirked.

Again, I’d convinced the lawyer about my so-called good intentions for the Harrington Ranch. Anderson must have thought I was a smitten man, not a schemer. If only he knew I had only spun a yarn for him.

It was a big lie.

Or was it?

My treacherous mind had already pulled up an image of Anna from our unexpected meeting. Her eyes were still as sparkling as I remembered. Her hair longer, probably softer, begged for my fingers to run through it.

I looked out towards Harrington Ranch. My view of the ranch was mostly blocked by a high brick fence my father built, but I knew it was there.

I couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at my lips. Anna was here. Several exciting opportunities would open with her presence on the ranch and my being close by.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the image and feeling. This attraction was going to be a problem. With our history, there was no way I could pursue her and take the ranch at the same time. It would be like riding a bull with a blindfold on—dangerous and foolish.

Besides, I wasn’t the type to mix business with pleasure.

Well, Anderson needed to believe I had Anna’s best interest at heart. So, I sighed, feigning a sense of defeat.

“I suppose Grandpa William had his reasons for making the stipulation in his will. We wouldn’t want to go against his wishes, now, would we?”

I could practically hear the relief in his voice as he agreed with my statement. Satisfied, I said goodbye to him and hung up. Then I tossed the phone on the couch and raked my hands through my hair.

I’d hoped Anna would sell the ranch.

Her stay at Marfa was a complication I hadn't anticipated. She brought back memories I’d buried deep. Feelings I thought had long since evaporated.

Still, I had a ranch to acquire. With Anna not willing to sell, I had to play my cards right.

Only one type of plan would suffice. A plan that would allow me to pursue my true goal, the acquisition of Harrington Ranch, while avoiding the tangled web of emotions that Anna’s presence would bring.

Then it struck me. I needed to join forces with someone who could help me indirectly acquire the land.

Richard Kane, the big-shot developer, immediately came to mind. He was known for getting what he wanted without much concern for what got bulldozed in the process. His acumen and cunning nature made him the perfect ally.

I picked up my phone again. Taking a deep breath, I scrolled through my contacts, found Richard’s number, and dialed it. His phone rang and I waited for him to pick up, my gaze still on the stretch of land in the distance.

Harrington Ranch’s land would soon be mine.


A sly smile slithered across Richard’s mouth when he saw me approach him in the small café.

We were like oil and water, Richard and I. We were never meant to mix, but fate had other plans.

Richard was a sharply dressed man. As usual, he wore a suit that probably cost more than what most folks in town made in a month. His dark hair was slicked back. Not a strand was out of place.

His light, icy blue eyes appraised me like I was a piece of meat. Then he sneered, his lips curving into a smirk.
