Page 28 of Redemption

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Anna’sfieryeyeslockedonto mine.

“Stop acting mightier than you really are, Max. Your help is not the miracle cure you’re making it out to be.”

I chuckled and shook my head.

Anna needed my help because of the incoming storm and the state of her ranch. But much like a mule that refused to see the clear path ahead, she couldn’t see it.

If she refused, I’d let her face the full brunt of her inexperience. Maybe then she would realize the depth of her situation and accept my assistance.

She glared at me, then closed her eyes and breathed in and out.

“What I meant to say was that I appreciate your offer, but it isn’t the end-all solution you make it out to be. Stop pretending you’re my only hope.”

I crossed my arms.

“Anna, why can’t you just swallow your pride?”

She rolled her eyes.

“Listen to me, Max,” she said in an exasperated tone and gestured to the ranch. “I might be learning the ropes, but I’ll become proficient at it soon.”

“Well, you could use an extra hand. You need my help.”

She pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

“Look, I get it. You’ve done this longer. You probably think you know better. But this is about more than just ranching skills or impending rainstorms.”

She paused, taking a deep breath.

“This ranch was Grandpa’s life. It’s my heritage. This place means a lot to me, and I need to do right by Grandpa’s memory. Every decision I make, every mistake I learn from is a part of honoring his legacy. I failed him when he needed me the most, so I need to prove to myself that I can manage the ranch all by myself. If I just let you waltz in and take control, then I’m letting go of my chance to truly appreciate the life he built here.”

I snorted.

“Nothing about this ranch right now will help you appreciate Grandpa William’s life. You appreciated it mighty fine when you visited as a child.”

She stiffened, her eyes narrowing to pinpoints.

Before I could respond, she spun around to leave.

I reached out to halt her. My finger closed around her arm. The warmth of her skin seeped through her clothes, making my fingers tingle. She froze, and our eyes locked.

Time slowed, and everything around ceased to exist. Anna’s breath came in quick, shallow bursts, the rise and fall of her chest noticeable against the fabric of her blouse. I recognized the spark of desire that mirrored my own and smiled.

Every nerve in my body lit up when I pulled her toward me. A thrill ran up my veins, daring me to draw her even closer.

That scent of wildflowers mixed with roses enveloped me again. I leaned in, my lips mere inches from the delicate curve of her neck. A slight quiver ran through her. I was satisfied knowing I was the cause.

“I can help you create the type of ranch your grandpa had. But understand this, Anna. My offer might come without a price, but it’s far from cheap.

Her breath hitched, and I became aware of the soft rhythm of her breathing and the scent of her shampoo. Letting go of her arm, I pulled back just enough to catch her eyes once more.

“You’ve got one week to accept my help. After that, you’ll never get my assistance free of charge again.”

The seconds stretched. I could hear the pounding of my heart in the silence that followed.

Anna’s gaze held mine with an intensity that nearly took my breath away. She looked away.

“I need more than a week to make my decision.”
