Page 33 of Redemption

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Jesse looked out at the vast stretch of the ranch, admiration in his eyes.

“Your dad would be proud, Max. The way you’ve turned this place around after his passing is commendable.”

The mention of my father caused a rush of memories.

I remembered his tall, imposing figure. His steel gray hair always perfectly combed. The stern set of his jaw. He was a man of few words. But when he spoke, it demanded attention.

My mind drifted back to a chilly evening. Dad was buttoning up his shirt, preparing to inspect the ranch. As a teenager, I sat by the fireplace soaking in every bit of wisdom he shared about the cattle business. That evening, however, was different.

He gave me a piercing gaze.

“Max, what is going on between you and William Harrington’s granddaughter? I’ve been hearing whispers about both of you.”

Caught off guard, I stammered,

“Anna? We’re, we’re…friends, Dad. Just friends.”

A chilling intensity replaced his usual stern demeanor. With a few swift strides, he was right in front of me. His hand shot out, gripped my chin, and forced me to meet his icy gaze.

His voice turned ice-cold.

“Listen and listen well. The Harringtons are not our kind. They never were, and they never will be. If you ever think of getting involved with that Harrington girl, remember this,” he hissed.

His grip on my chin tightened. His face was mere inches from mine, his breath cold against my face.

“I’ve dealt with enemies bigger and tougher than a teenage girl. But if she or anyone from her damned family becomes a complication for us…”

He paused, letting the gravity of his next words sink in.

“...I’ll make sure she regrets ever crossing paths with a Fletcher. And I’ll make sure she understands that the hard way.”

Sweat formed on my brow.

The intensity of his words and the absolute certainty in his eyes sent chills down my spine. There was no doubt in my mind that my father meant every word.

I knew him well enough to understand that he wasn’t making idle threats. His rivalry with William Harrington ran deep. His ruthlessness to his perceived enemies was also legendary. And he would stop at nothing to shatter the love between Anna and me.

I swallowed hard.

“Yes, sir.”

He let go, stepping back and straightening his shirt. His demeanor shifted back to the calm, controlled patriarch of the Fletcher family.

“You’ll break off your relationship with Harrington’s granddaughter, Max. Or I’ll do it for you.”

I nodded slowly.

But the shadow of his threat lingered. It was a stark reminder of the dangerous line I was treading.

I’d always known about the long-standing rivalry between Dad and Grandpa William. But I'd never imagined it would lead to dire threats against the person I loved.

I’d faced a painful decision that day, torn between my feelings for Anna and my father’s wrath. I couldn't possibly break up with Anna. Couldn’t look into her eyes and tell her I didn’t love her anymore. Neither could I continue our relationship that would only hurt her.

I decided then that I’d just have to disappear. Leave Marfa, maybe even Texas. Dad would see it as my way of breaking up with her. But, in truth, I’d be protecting my Anna.

A talent scout, who had seen me perform at a local event, had told me about a rodeo circuit opportunity. At first, I dismissed his offer as unimportant. But now, it seemed like providence.

I packed my bags and left Marfa the next day, ensuring I cut all communication with Anna. I didn’t even answer her calls.
