Page 42 of Redemption

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And no matter what I said or did, my attraction to him grew daily.

I’d even agreed to go on a date with him to the Marfa Lights Festival this evening.

But how could I keep letting myself get romantically involved with Max if I still held on to the pain he caused years ago? I remembered how my heart had shattered into a thousand pieces when he left me. The pain was still vivid as though it had happened yesterday.

Yet I’d seen a different side of Max since I came back to inherit Grandpa’s ranch. A side that seemed genuinely concerned.

True to his word, he’d been very helpful, becoming almost indispensable. His hands had skillfully weaved the wire of the broken fences. He’d fixed the fence post and covered the sinkhole.

He’d been patient and kind with the animals. I could still recall the way he gently coaxed the nervous new colt into the stable. What about when he taught me the finer points of ranch management? He’d turned complex tasks into enjoyable lessons.

He had even taken me on a tour of his ranch, introducing me to all his staff and showing me how things were done.

There was no way I could keep thinking of the hurt from the past when the present was so much better. The warmth in his eyes made me melt for him. The sound of his voice, the way my name sounded so right coming from his lips; they all made my heart soften toward him.

As I stared out of my room’s window, listening to the leaves rustling outside, I realized that the love I felt for him was far stronger than the bitterness.

There was only one action left to take—forgiveness. Max deserved a second chance to show that he was no longer the boy who broke my heart but the man who could make it soar.

There and then, I closed my eyes.

“Lord, help me to forgive Max. Help me to see the truth in his actions and to know if his intentions are pure.”

Although he hadn’t arrived yet, I took a deep breath and whispered, “I forgive you, Max.”

Feeling lighter, I went to the wardrobe. My fingers brushed against several clothes before stopping at a navy-blue dress. I planned to pair it with black ankle boots. Ordinarily, I’d have worn a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. But I wanted to dress up for Max.

As I applied the finishing touches to my makeup, I heard a gentle knock at the door.

“Come in,” I called out, smoothing down my dress.

Beth came in.

“Anna, I need to talk to you about something important.”

“What is it, Beth?”

I examined the pink lipsticks and nude eyeshadow I applied in the mirror.

“It’s about Max. I’ve been hearing rumors that his intentions for this ranch are not pure.”

Her words set a ripple of unease through me. I turned to face her.

“What kind of rumors?”

“People are saying that Max plans to take over the ranch. They say he is only helping you so he can find your weak points.”

I tapped my fingers on the dressing table, contemplating her words. Max had shown only support the past few days. I didn’t think it was just a facade.

“Thank you for telling me,” I said, then went back to applying setting powder on my face.

“Please listen to me, Anna. I know how you feel about Max. I saw how you looked at him when you were a teenager, and some of those feelings might never leave. But he had a good head on his shoulders then, not now. He has changed. He might be two-faced, showing you something fake while he’s the opposite behind your back.”

“I’ve heard you, Beth, but I’ll need to find out on my own.”

Sighing, she left.

For a second, I wondered if she was right. The only way I could know for sure was to find out the truth for myself. Resolved, I finished getting ready and went to the porch.
