Page 49 of Redemption

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The rest of the day passed in a blur of activity. The ranch workers and I worked tirelessly until my hands ached and my muscles screamed in protest. But I couldn’t stop. Harrington Ranch needed every bit of effort we could muster.

As we were shoring up a section of the fence, Joe, Max’s ranch hand arrived.

“Max sent me to help out. He says Harrington Ranch could use a few extra hands,” he announced, his voice carrying over the sound of our tools. “Our ranch got hit too, but Max will come over as soon as he can.”

His presence lightened the load. Now that we had an extra person involved with the repairs, we made quick work of the tasks that had slowed us down.

My thoughts kept drifting to Max. Hearing that he thought about me in his own time of need warmed my heart. It was touching to know he’d found a way to be there for us.

By the time the sky began to darken, we had made significant progress even though the repairs were far from over.

I was exhausted, but my mind was restless. I needed to talk to someone about how I felt. And only Max could help me with that.

Once we called it a day, I decided to visit his ranch. I saddled one of the horses and went with Joe. Except for the clop of hooves on the ground and the occasional distant call of a bird, the ride was quiet.

As Max’s ranch came into view, my heart skipped. I couldn't help but compare it to the disarray back at Harrington Ranch. His land was as immaculate as I remembered, a stark contrast to the chaos left by the hailstorm at my ranch.

I dismounted and went toward the main house. The moment I raised my hand to knock, the door opened, revealing Max. His face morphed from a surprised expression to concern.

“Anna, what are you doing here?”

I found myself moving closer.

“I…I needed to see you,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

His face relaxed. He ushered me inside where it was warm.

“Are you sure you’re alright, Anna? No injuries or anything?” he asked when we sat.

I smiled, trying to brush off his worry.

“I’m fine. Just a bit shaken up, but no harm done.”

He extended his arm to embrace me, and my heart pounded.

I should lean in. I should cuddle with Max and let him make me feel warm. But the memory of our last intimate moment in the barn played vividly in my mind. It was a warning that things wouldn’t stop at cuddling.

I pulled back slightly, shaking my head.

“I… I think I prefer staying here,” I stuttered.

A flicker of confusion crossed his face. He withdrew his arm, a frown creasing his brow.

“Is everything okay? Did I do anything wrong?”

“Remember what I told you in the barn about intimacy.”

We sat in silence for a moment, the crackling of the fire the only sound in the room. I stared at the flames casting dancing shadows on the walls for several minutes.

Max finally spoke, his voice gentle but strained.

“I respect your decision to be celibate, Anna. Just know that I’m here for you in any way you need.”

Soon, the inviting aroma of hot chocolate filled the air. Luna brought in a tray laden with steaming mugs, plates of freshly baked cornbread, and a hearty beef stew.

I sipped the chocolate and felt the warmth seep through me, then I ate the bread and stew, enjoying the savory taste.

Max waited until I finished eating before speaking.
