Page 52 of Redemption

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“This is my favorite spot on the ranch. I come here when I need to think or just to pray in a quiet environment,” I said.

Anna and I sat side by side, watching the gentle ripple of the pond surface.

We tossed pebbles into the pond to see which would land at the edge of the pond. Afterward, we competed to see who could make the biggest splash.

Each time Anna’s pebble sent a ripple across the water, her eyes lit up with childlike wonder and my heart swelled with affection. She laughed. The rich, musical sound nearly took my breath away.

As we sat there, I became lost in her presence. I admired Anna’s physical beauty. But more than that, I admired her resilience, her compassionate heart, and unwavering spirit. She was like the wildflowers around us, thriving against all odds.

Heart pounding in my chest, I turned to face her.

“Anna, I…”

The words caught in my throat.

How do you encapsulate years of longing in a few sentences?

“Anna, would you like to be my girlfriend?” I finally managed to ask.

I hope that someday, you’ll be more than that. Perhaps my wife.

That was the part I couldn’t say out loud. Better to take things one step at a time.

She stared at me for a while.

“Max, we’ve had feelings for each other for a long time, but you’re keeping secrets. I need honesty and transparency in a relationship.”

Her words stung, but she was right. She deserved the truth. I had to let her know that I was willing to tell her.

“At least, let me cook dinner for you tomorrow,” I offered, a hopeful note in my voice. “I promise it will be something special. And after dinner, I’ll tell you every single thing you want to know.”

Her eyes searched mine, then she nodded.

“Alright, I’ll come. But I need those answers.”

After sitting in silence for a while, we stood up to leave. The night had deepened around us. Crickets chirped nearby, and I heard the occasional neighing of a horse.

We walked back to the ranch house, then Anna gracefully mounted her horse.

“Goodnight, Max,” she called out.

“Goodnight, Anna,” I replied.

I stood there, motionless as she rode away until I couldn’t see her figure anymore.

Walking into the ranch house and to my bedroom, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

How would Anna react to my confession? Would she understand I’d made those choices because I was compelled by the promise I made to Dad? Would she ever be able to accept me once she knew the full extent of my past actions?

I hoped she would. Because if she didn’t, that meant losing her trust and respect.

That was a torment I couldn’t bear.

With a heavy heart, I walked to the window and stared at the twinkling stars above. God made the stars. He made the world—the earth, sun, moon, stars, everything in the universe. He made me, and I became His son when I gave my life to Him.

Yes, I hadn’t been all good. But I’d started over, and I needed His help so I wouldn’t lose Anna.

With that, I closed my eyes and began to pray.
