Page 61 of Redemption

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Max. Oh, Max. I shouldn’t have turned off the engine that day I saw him with the cattle. I shouldn’t have accepted his help either.

My mind replayed the confrontation, his confession, and the undeniable evidence of his betrayal.

I glanced at the signed document. How could I have been so blind? How could I reconcile the man I thought I’d known with the man who had plotted against me and my legacy?

I drove into my ranch. But today, I didn’t want to see Beth and her ‘I told you so’ expression she would try to hide. I didn’t want to go to Grandpa's room to be reminded of how I’d done the opposite of what he asked by bringing a traitor into the ranch.

There was only one place that could provide comfort.

The shed Grandpa had renovated for me in my teenage years. He’d converted it into a room, so I could have privacy without interference when I needed it. Luckily, we’d already made the necessary repairs the hailstorm had caused.

I parked beside it and went inside.

The walls were still adorned with my posters of country stars and horses. My old bed with its small wooden frame was still under the window that looked out over the ranch. Beside it, a small rustic nightstand held an old battery-operated clock. Atop it lay a few dog-eared novels and a dusty lamp with a tasseled shade.

I lay on the bed, and the mattress dipped slightly under my weight. I stared at the ceiling, crying without holding back.

Even though I could hear the bleating and mooing of the animals, I didn’t register the sound.



A deep sense of loss filled my heart as I stared at the plates of food I had prepared for Anna. The flickering flames of the candles I lit earlier were once symbols of hope. But now, they mocked my foolishness. The aroma of the beef skillet and vegetables was no longer inviting.

My grand plans for the evening for our future had crumbled before they even had the chance to take root.

“Luna,” I called out, my voice choked with emotion. “Can you pack this up?”

Not trusting my voice to remain steady, I said nothing else.

Luna quietly began to clear the table.

I watched her for a moment before turning away. The warmth of the dining room now felt oppressive.

I needed space and a moment to gather my thoughts. With a heavy heart, I made my way to the stable and my stallion. I saddled up and rode out, letting the rhythm of the horse’s gait soothe my troubled mind.

The cool evening air brushed against my face as I rode along the perimeter of my land. This was where I felt most at home, most myself. But tonight, it offered little solace.

I pondered over ways to make amends with Anna. Each idea formed and dissipated like foam from soap.

A grand gesture? No, it would seem insincere. Too much like a performance.

How about a heartfelt letter? It seemed too passive. Anna could misunderstand its purpose.

Maybe I should apologize in person. That seemed like the best option, but then I’d just tried that, hadn’t I? And where did that lead? Besides, the thought of facing her to see the hurt that I’d caused made my stomach churn.

Each possibility I kept conjuring up felt inadequate. Nothing I did could erase the betrayal she felt. I didn’t know if I would ever be able to make things right with Anna.

As I rode, the memories of our time together played in my mind. Her laughter, her smile, the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her ranch. It pained me to think that I’d jeopardized something so precious.

I stopped by the pond. The peaceful sound of the water trickling over the rock was a stark contrast to how disappointed I was in myself.

My horse neighed softly as if sensing my distress. I patted its neck, grateful for its companionship. I dismounted and relaxed my grip around the reins, then I walked to the water’s edge.

The memories of spending time with Anna here flooded my mind. It was still fresh and vivid. The way her laughter echoed, how the moonlight had danced in her eyes—they were moments filled with a budding romance.

I could almost feel Anna’s presence beside me. Her warmth. Her spirit.
