Page 65 of Redemption

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“Yes, I’ve applied a tourniquet and elevated my leg. But I’m really cold and so sleepy.”

His tone became urgent.

“Anna, listen to me. You need to stay awake. Keep talking to me, okay?”

The storm howled outside, drowning out his responses. I tried to focus on his words, but I couldn't concentrate because a fog was descending on my mind.

I clutched the phone tightly, trying to focus on his words. The cold seeped into my bones, making my teeth chatter. I wrapped the blanket tighter around myself, shivering. But it did little to ward off the chill.

“I’m… I’m trying, but it’s hard. Everything is spinning.”

“I know, Anna. I know. I’m close to your gate. Just hang in there, please.”

I could hear the desperation in his voice. It seemed distant though. As if it was coming from far away. The sound of static disrupted his voice, and I couldn’t hear the rest of his words.

My eyelids felt heavy. I fought against it, knowing that giving in could mean not waking up again.

“I’ll stay on the call.”

“Good. Just hold on a little longer, and I’ll be there in a jiffy. You can get through this,” his voice cracked on the phone.

“Please, hurry,” I whispered, tears blurring my vision.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

Lord, please let him make it in time.

“Anna… hear… well.”

My eyes opened when I realized Max’s words were distorted.

“Beth, Ethan, and Joe’s number didn’t go through,” I said.

“What about Beth? I’ll call her after I get you out of the shed.” The static became louder. “…can’t hear you… Anna.”

With that, the call cut off.

Panic rose in my chest. I breathed in deeply to remain calm.

In a bid to fend off the creeping numbness, I decided to sing worship songs. My weak and quivering voice filled the shed.

“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty…”

My voice wavered, but I continued singing.

The words were a balm to my soul. The melody brought comfort.

Max or someone else could also hear the singing and find me.

As I sang, my mind drifted back to memories of Grandpa. I imagined him sitting beside me, his gentle voice joining mine in song. It was a comforting thought. A lifeline to cling to in this torrent of pain.



The phone call cut out, and I yelled Anna’s name into the night.

I adjusted my Bluetooth earpiece, desperately trying to call her back. No ringing. Just the empty sound of the call failing to connect.
