Page 8 of Redemption

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“No, Anna,” I said, stepping towards her. “Take it as my welcoming gift.”

She bristled but was silent.

In truth, the battery was more than a gift. It was a bribe of some sort. To open her heart to mine. To make her owe me a favor. To make her listen to my suggestions about the ranch that would definitely favor me.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

I smiled. “You’re welcome.”

I watched her slide into the driver’s seat.

The engine roared to life with a turn of the key, humming smoothly like a well-oiled machine. The headlights cut through the darkness and illuminated the road.

Anna flashed me a quick, grateful smile.

“Thanks for your help.”

With that, the car pulled away. It disappeared into the night, leaving behind nothing but a trail of dust and the faint, lingering scent of her perfume.

As I watched her taillights disappear, a plan formed in my mind.

That land was meant to be mine. And maybe, just maybe, so was Anna. Despite our rocky past, my heart yearned for hers. And the property she now owned was an excuse to be around her.

But what if she didn’t want me? I shrugged. Then, I’d focus on making Harrington Ranch mine, even if it meant resorting to methods that were far from Christian.

Something about my decision bothered me, though. Today, Anna thanked me. But what would happen when I eventually snatched the ranch away from her?

With a sigh, I turned away. My boots crunched on the gravel as I made my way back to my horse.

What was that saying my father kept trying to hammer inside me. Yeah, I remembered it as clear as day—all is fair in love and war. This, this was definitely both.

I climbed on the saddle and stared at the cattle as Joe rounded them up. I would have that ranch, come what may. For myself, for my late father.

Soon enough, Anna would undoubtedly curse me for my help.



Afteralongdriveaway from Max and his problems, the dusty road finally gave way to the familiar sight of Harrington Ranch’s entrance.

I shook my head in dismay. Time had taken its toll on the property. The grandeur I remembered from my childhood was nowhere to be found.

The once majestic gate now sagged on its hinges. The fencing was in desperate need of repair. Weeds and wildflowers had overtaken the meticulously manicured gardens that lined the fence.

I parked the sedan in front of the ranch house. The neglected state of the old building filled me with sadness. With a heavy heart, I climbed out of the car and surveyed my surroundings.

The ranch house had seen better days. Its once pristine white exterior was now weathered and peeling. Several windows were missing or cracked. I couldn’t fathom how things had deteriorated to this extent.

Three workers stood waiting to greet me.

Ethan, the ranch hand, had skin that was tanned from the sun. He gave me a polite nod, a friendly twinkle in his eyes.

“Miss Anna, we’ve been expecting you.”

I smiled slightly, feeling a little awkward with the formalities.

“Just Anna, please,” I said.
