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Oh God… holy cow she knows! I push my fingers through my hair trying to think of a response to give her. A part of me isrelieved that she’s okay, but I feel bad that she knows the true reason her parents made her get married.

Me:please come back home, and we will talk about it.

She replies almost immediately;you still haven’t answered my question, did you know?

Me:Not exactly. Where are you? I will come to you.

Mischief: I will take that as a yes then. And you didn’t think to tell me about it? So much for friendship

Me:I had plans of telling you, I was just waiting for the right time.

Mischief: Well, my parents beat you to it.

Me:Mischief, please just tell me where you are.

Mischief is typing…

I wait patiently for her to finish typing and I almost lose my cool when she stops typing and stops responding to any of my messages. When I try calling her, it goes straight to voicemail.

I fling my phone on the couch as I try to come up with a way to find her and make this better. What were her parents thinking, why did they have to tell her? What were they trying to achieve? Don’t they think about their daughter’s feelings before they do anything?

I only got to find out about her parents deal with my father just two weeks ago and that’s because I overheard my father talking about it on the phone toMischief’sfather promising to send him the money soon.

I had the intentions of tellingMischiefabout it but I knew I would be doing more harm than good if I told her. No one would be happy to hear that her pawned her off into getting married because of money.

I gave my father an earful about it even though he didn’t feel remorseful about it. That man feels remorseful about nothing.

Now I feel terrible that I didn’t tell her about it, now she’s going think that I’m in on the plan. I trying calling her again but it still doesn’t go through.

I don’t realize how long I’ve been pacing until I look at the wall clock and it reads; 1 a.m. unable to wait for her to come back anymore, I grab my car keys. I need to go look for her. I don’t know where, but I just have to go out and look for her before I lose it.

But before I get to the front door, it swings open andMischief walksin. I pause in my steps as I take in her appearance. She looks like she has been crying, her blonde hair is disheveled, her eyes looking puffed.

I immediately feel terrible, and I quickly rush up to her, enveloping her in a tight embrace. “I’m so glad you’re fine.” I say into her hair, she isn’t hugging me back, but I don’t mind, I’m just happy that she’s back in one piece.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about…”

I don’t get to finish talking as she pushes me away and without saying a word, she begins walking to her bedroom.

“MischiefI’m sorry.” I go after her. “Let’s talk about this.”

“I have no words for you.” Her voice sounds so cold.

“I didn’t mean to keep it from you.” We are now at her bedroom door and she’s blocking the way with her body clearly sending a silent message that she doesn’t want me to come in.

“But you still did.”


“You knew about it about all this while and you couldn’t tell me.” She pauses for second as she looks at me. “You were in on it too, weren’t you? You all planed this, to…”

“Of course not. I only got to find out about after we got married.”

“And you didn’t think to tell me about it? How do I even know you’re telling the truth?”

“Of course, you know I’m telling the truth, I never knew about it until after we’ve gotten married.”

She doesn’t seem to believe me as she just shakes her head and then jams her bedroom door in my face.
