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I want to defy him and walk back inside, but that would be a foolish thing to do, so I oblige him and get into the car.

Kyle closes the door with more force than necessary before walking around to come join me in the car.

The ride to back to the house is a silent one, you could literally hear a pin fall inside the car.

When we get home, I start heading straight to my bedroom but stop in my tracks when I hear Kyle’s voice.

“How long do you intend to keep up with this?”

I turn around to face him. “Keep up with what exactly?”

He pulls his fingers through his hair blowing out a harsh breath. “Jewel, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean whatever it is that you overheard it was…”

I raise my hand interrupting him. “I don’t want to hear it.” I take a deep breath trying to keep my emotion in check, I’m not supposed to cry, I’m not supposed to feel a thing about that incident, it’s the reason I’ve been partying hard like my life depends on it. It’s because I’m trying to forget.

This past week, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m a fool for believing that what I feel for Kyle will be reciprocated. I’m a fool for not sticking to the rule. It is a fake marriage and everything we do or did, meant and means nothing to Kyle.

Kyle walks up to me and place his hands on my shoulders. “Jewel, please listen to me.”

“I don’t want to, Kyle. Whatever it is that you have to say, I don’t want to hear it.” I sniffling, willing the tears threatening to fall from my eyes, back to wherever they might be coming from.

I need to act strong; I need to act unaffected by what he did. So far, I’ve put on a good show of doing that in the past week.

“We can’t go on like this, we…”

“What do you want from me?” My voice sounds so broken I want to cry. I take a deep breath. “Kyle, we both agreed that this is a fake marriage, and we both agreed to have affairs at our own discretion, so why are you bothered?”

Kyle’s expression has changed from that of anger, to frustration, he continues to pull his fingers through his hair blowing out breaths as he looks at me.

“Yeah, I agree that I wasn’t discreet enough with my boyfriend.” I hiccup, trying to suppress the sudden urge to throw up. “Not to worry, next time I promise to be more discreet, so you don’t have to appear and start throwing punch at my boyfriend.”

“That guy is your boyfriend?!” Kyle looks like he’s going to murder someone.

“Was, because I doubt if he’s still going to want to be with me after the way you punched him.” I turn around to start walking away but Kyle reaches out and pulls me back.

“I admit it, I’m a fool, I’m stupid for saying the things that I said about you to my friends, and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things.”

Nonchalance is my go-to attitude whenever I’m trying to mask a pain, and I’m doing it right now, pretending not to care about what he’s saying.

“Whatever you discuss when you’re with your friends is none of my business.”

“When I said those things, I was trying to prove to my friends and more to myself that I’m not in love with you.”

I make a show of yawning.

“Mischief,I love you, I love you so much it scares me. That’s the reason I said those things, I was trying to run away from my feelings. But now I realize that was foolish of me. I love you and I want to make this right.”

If only he had said these words a week ago, then things would have been better. “You can’t fix a broken glass, Kyle.” I shrug off his hands and walk away.

Chapter 16


The pain that I feel inside as I watch Mischief walk away after I just told her how I feel about her, is indescribable. I used to think that the only thing that can make me feel this much pain was if James takes over Anderson Corp, but right now I just realized how wrong I was about that.

Right now, I don’t even care about who takes over Anderson Corp, all I want is for Mischief to forgive me, and for us to go back to what we used to be. But as it stands now, she no longer wants to have anything to do with me, and it hurts really bad.

Since we got married, it’s been a while since she went clubbing and got drunk, until now. And I feel terrible that I pushed her back into her old ways. I’m supposed to bring out the best in her and not the worst.
