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I hiss under my breath when the door to my office opens and my father walks in, his presence immediately adding tension to the room. I know he’s here to talk about the meeting, and the timing couldn't be worse.

My thoughts are still consumed by the need to resolve things withMischief, and I'm not prepared for a conversation with my father about business matters.

His expression remains stern, and he takes a seat across from me. "Kyle, we need to discuss the direction of Anderson Corp and your responsibilities within the company. It has come to my attention that you’ve been distracted lately and your recent performance in the board meeting was less than satisfactory."

"Father," I begin cautiously, “I don’t know who has been feeding you with those lies, but my attention has not been distracted in any way.”

He’s quiet for a moment, giving me a stern look. The tension between us has always been present, and it's something I've grown accustomed to over the years.

“And what do you have to say about the way you acted at the board meeting? You were constantly on your phone, and then when your attention was needed, you couldn’t make any meaningful contribution. Is that how you plan to manage the company when you take over?”

I groan under my breath. “I apologize for that; it won’t happen again.”

His stern expression doesn't waver, and I can tell that my words have done little to assuage his expectations. The conversation is far from over, and I can only hope that he'll leave soon.

But he doesn’t leave, instead, he pulls out a chair from across my desk and takes a seat. “James showed me a video this morning,” he begins.

I raise a brow, wondering where he’s going with this. “And?”

“It was a video of you punching a man at a club.”

I release a harsh breath; I should have known that bastard will always find his way to get me to look bad.

“Do you get into fights now? What were you thinking? Now the guy is threatening to sue.”

I open my mouth to speak but he raises his hand stopping me. “I already had my lawyer reach out to him so we can settle out of court.”

I want to tell him that the idiot deserved what he got, but I decide against it, that will only prolong this excruciating meeting.

“What is going on with you Kyle? You are not one to get into a fight. Are you and Jewel having problems? Because I was informed that she was the cause of the fight at the bar. Is there trouble in paradise?”

I clench my jaw, resisting the urge to reveal the full story about the altercation at the club, especially the role Jewel played in it. My relationship with my father has always been complicated, and I've learned to keep certain aspects of my life private.

“Whatever is going on between my wife and I, is my business.”

His scrutiny doesn't relent, and I can sense his desire to delve deeper into the issue. “You know you can always come to me if you need marital advice…”

“I will pass.” I rather take marital advice from the devil himself than my father.

“If you say so. Remember I’m hosting the Chinese investors this weekend.”

I groan inwardly at the reminder. The upcoming meeting with the Chinese investors is a significant event, and I had completely forgotten about it.

"Of course, I remember," I respond, attempting to sound more enthusiastic than I actually feel. "I'll be there."

“Don’t be late, you and Jewel are expected to be there before the investors arrive.”

“Uh… I don’t think Jewel will be available to come with me, I think she has something already planned for the weekend.”

“It's crucial that you both make the effort to attend. This is a significant opportunity for Anderson Corp, and I expect you to prioritize it.”

“Of course, we will be there.”

“Very well then, I will see you there.”

As my father stands to leave, I pick up my phone hoping to see a message fromMischief.However, as I unlock my phone and check my messages, disappointment washes over me. There's no message from Jewel, and her continued silence weighs on my mind.

Putting my phone aside, I try to get some work done. Just as I begin to review some documents, the door to my office opens once more, and James steps inside.

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