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I shake my head, feeling a mixture of anger and frustration. "This is insane. My own money, and they've blocked it?! Why on earth would they do that?"

“Don’t worry, I got this, I’m sure it’s just a minor issue that can be sorted out.”

We quickly finish our shopping, using Jasmine's card to pay for our purchases. As we drive back to my place, I can't help but feel a sense of dread. I have to confront my father about this. I need answers.

When I storm into the house, my father is in his study, poring over some business documents. I slam the door shut, unable to contain my anger any longer.

“You need to stop slamming doors, at this rate, the doors in this house will fall in no time.” He’s still looking at the documents before him.

"Dad, we need to talk!" I practically shout.

He looks up, his expression impassive. "What's the matter, Jewel?"

I wave my phone in front of his face. "This! My bank account, Dad! Did you have my account blocked?"

He sighs heavily as if he's been inconvenienced by my outburst. "Sit down, Jewel. We need to have a conversation."

I reluctantly take a seat across from him, seething with anger. "Fine, talk."

He leans back in his chair, stepping his fingers. "Jewel, your mother and I have been patient with you, but it's time you understand the gravity of the situation. You and Kyle need to get married, and until you agree to that, your accounts will remain blocked."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. My own father is holding my finances hostage to force me into a marriage I don't want. I clench my fists, my voice trembling with rage. "You can't do this, Dad! It's my money!"

He leans forward, his eyes cold and unyielding. "No, point of correction, it’s my money. Jewel, you have a few weeks to come to terms with the arrangement. If you don't agree by then, you'll be on your own. You'll have no place in this house, and you can forget about your inheritance."

Tears of frustration well up in my eyes. I never thought my own father would do this to me. But I won't give in so easily. I'll find a way to fight back, even if it means going against everything he wants. I stand up, my voice trembling with determination.

"Fine, Dad. Do you want to play hardball? So be it. But I won't let you control my life like this. I'll find a way out of this mess; you can be assured of that."

With that, I turn and storm out of the room, leaving my father behind, his face a mask of unyielding resolve. I don't know howI'll do it, but I won't let him force me into a loveless marriage. The battle has just begun, and I'm not backing down.

Two days later

It’s been two days, two whole days without having any money and I can't take this pressure anymore. My father has blocked my accounts, and it's clear he's not backing down from his demand that I marry Kyle. I need to talk to Kyle, to find a solution, any solution, to get our parents off our backs.

So, I drive over to Kyle's place, my mind racing with thoughts of what I can say to him. When he opens the door and I see the frustration in his eyes, I know he's going through the same hell.

"Jewel," he says, his voice heavy with exhaustion. "What brings you here?"

I walk into his minimalist designed living room and take a seat. Kyle lives in a large penthouse all by himself and I know all the rooms like the back of my palm because I always come around to spend the night or even days here when I’m avoiding my parents.

Kyle used to be my next door when he lived with his parents, as our parents live next to each other, until he moved out a few years ago to get this place. It’s an irony why he stayed with his parents that long because he doesn’t get along with them well.

Aside Jasmine, Kyle is the closest friend I have, and I hate that we’re in this situation because of me.

"Kyle, we need to talk. This whole situation is driving me crazy."

He joins me on the sofa, looking worn out. "Tell me about it. I feel like I'm drowning."

As Kyle and I sit in his living room, discussing our predicament, I can't help but sense a hint of irritation in his demeanor. It's as if he holds me partly responsible for the mess, we're in because of that impulsive kiss at the club. His frustration simmers beneath the surface, and it's evident in the way he looks at me.

"Jewel," he starts, his voice laced with a tinge of annoyance, "I can't believe you kissed me like that at the club. It's like you brought this whole mess upon us."

I fidget in my seat, feeling a pang of guilt. Kyle's frustration is justified, and I hate that I played a part in complicating his life.

Taking a deep breath, I try to explain myself. "Kyle, I'm really sorry about that. It wasn't my intention to cause any trouble. My friends and I were playing truth or dare, and they dared me to kiss you. I didn't want to seem like a buzzkill in front of them. I had no idea things were going to spiral out of control, or else I wouldn’t have done it. I’m sorry, Kyle."

Kyle's expression softens slightly as he listens to my explanation. He seems to be considering what I'm saying. "Truth or dare, huh?"
