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“Well, it’s up to you as to how you spend your time,” he says. “Yeah, maybe I can stand some grub at that. I need to visit el baño first, though.”

Todd rises and disappears into the café. My phone dings.

“Still in the meeting,” Jack texts.

My insides warm as I read those four brief words. I like just looking at his name. I feel like a 13-year-old middle schooler with her first crush.

“How are you getting home if you gave me back the car?” Jack texts.

“I took an Uber to Malibu. I’ll get a ride to the inn from Todd,” I answer.

“Who?” he asks.

“Stoner dude,” I say.

“Are we sure nothing is going on between the two of you?”

“What does that have to do with the price of eggs?” I ask.

I must stick up for Todd some, though I am glad Jack wonders about my love life.

Todd was returning, so I casually silenced my phone and placed it on the table. I’ll prevail upon him for one more ride and then back off until his feelings for me simmer down. I won’t leave him guessing about where I stand. When the time is right, we will have a long talk.

A thousand girls would kill to have his attention; I am just not one of them. I really couldn’t ask for a finer person to have a crush on me. He’s in impeccable shape. He’s picture-perfect handsome. He has a big heart … and other things. I’ve seen him naked by accident. After surfing, he often took a shower at the inn’s outdoor shower.

It kills me that I may have hurt him.

A server finally comes to our table.

“Hey, Todd. Denise says this is a mistake order,” she says. “Wants to know if you want it?”

“Absolutely. Do I look like the type to turn down free food? I’m a growing boy, after all,” he laughs. “Why don’t you hit me up with some of those Greek fries, too? I’ll pay for them.”

The server stands there, hand poised to take my order. “I’m having the Greek salad to go. And put his Greek fries on my bill. I’m treating him.”

Todd also ordered a Pilsner, and I ordered my usual Hibiscus tea. She brings those right away. I fixate on his drink. I never minded before if he had one beer before driving. Suddenly, I am bothered. Do I want him to drive me home if he’s been drinking? And his chewing is getting on my nerves. What’s with me? Todd is just being Todd.

A limo sedan pulls up curbside and rescues me, literally. It’s Jack’s car. I try to mask my excitement.

“Someone you know?” Todd asks wanly. “Never mind, I know whose ride that is. I served him with papers earlier, remember? The dude can’t even drive himself.”

Todd tosses his napkin down. He uncharacteristically raises his voice. “Hey, can I get this to go?” he calls out. He eyes me like I am behind this somehow.

“I had no idea he would show up,” I say.

“How did he know where you were?” he bellows.

Nick appears from the driver-side door and stands before us. “Mr. Houston says you might need a ride home since you returned the Porsche,” Nick says in words heavily tinged with a Brooklyn accent.

“I am practically home now,” I say, confused. “Jack sent you all the way here just to give me a five-minute ride? I could walk.”

Nick cuts his eyes at me. “I was in the neighborhood, so I swung by. Are you ready to go?” Nick asks. “Or are my services not needed?”

“They’re needed,” Todd says, clearly upset.

“Boy, this is getting way out of hand,” I say somberly.

“I am not this lady’s chauffeur anymore,” Todd says.
