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My heart is beating furiously. My eyes pick Brynne out, and our gazes lock. I look at her with longing and apology. My receptionist appears to have made new friends. She and Todd could not look more perfect together.

“I went to ask Todd to be my date,” Gretchen began. “And then I let him drive to Brynne’s house since he knew the way. We thought we would ask her if she could go. And she says yes.”

My eyes shift again to Brynne. My heart melts like she and I are the only people in the room.

“That’s great,” I say. “I know it’s short notice; it’s tomorrow at 7:00.”

I pulled out my credit card.

“What’s that for?” Gretchen asks.

“You all can go shopping for something to wear to the party,” I say. “And have lunch and whatever else you want.”

Gretchen waves me off.

“I don’t need that,” she says. “I have it hooked up to Google Pay.”

My eyes bug.

“You have my credit card hooked up to Google Pay?” I ask.

“Yeah,” she says with a casual shrug. “In case of an emergency.”

“And I have clothes,” Brynne says.

I look to Gretchen, who picks up on my drift. I close my eyes and shake my head ‘no.’

“Uh,” Brynne protests. “I am right here. I can see you.”

“I am sure you have lovely clothes,” I say sympathetically.

“You saw me at court,” she replies very seriously.

“Yes,” I say. “I did.”

Only she can pull off a Little House on the Prairie meets Little Bo Peepor whatever the hell it was she wore. She made the outfit work, but there would be no saving her from the cruel bitchiness of Adrianne.

I am making this mostly about me. I am living for the moment when I see the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met on the glamorous backdrop of a yacht in some shimmering little number. Saving her from being humiliated is the icing on the cake.

“Is that all you have to say?” she asks me.

“Thanks for agreeing to come,” I say sincerely.

Fortunately, my intuitive receptionist intervened.

“Come on,” Gretchen says, slipping her arm into Brynne’s. “Let’s go have fun.”

“I want to talk to Jack alone,” Todd says.

The girls retreat. Todd waits until the door closes behind them before speaking.

“Good save,” he says. “I appreciate the thought.”

“It’s just for the party,” I say. “I thought it would be fun and worst-case scenario, you have a new friend.”

“Absolutely,” he says. “I am kidnapping her, though, for the rest of the day. We’ll be back early evening.”

Todd made a crooked peace sign with his fingers like he was gangsta and disappeared to join Gretchen and Brynne. I felt left out until I started receiving pictures documenting the shopping spree.
