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The room, with its sparse furnishings and that stubborn locked door, feels like a prison, but our need to escape, to get Grace and Lex to safety, fuels our determination. I need to confront Thea and get answers.

Approaching the door, I inspect it. “We might be able to break it down,” I suggest, though I’m not sure how easy it’ll be.

Max joins me, his hands exploring the doorframe. “It’s old, just like the door they salvaged. We might have a chance if we work together.”

We’re about to charge at the door when a faint scratching sound makes us halt. We all freeze, straining our ears. The scratching intensifies into a series of thuds, and the wood gives way.

“Stand back,” Max whispers, positioning himself in front of Grace and Lex.

The door creaks open, revealing a silhouette backlit by the hallway light. Our hearts pound with uncertainty—friend or foe?

Then relief washes over us. It’s Ashton, his expression a mix of worry and resolve. He’s a twist we didn’t expect, bringing both hope and a new challenge.

As Ashton steps through the broken doorway, the tension dissipates. His arrival changes everything, and for a brief moment, we’re caught off guard, but there’s no time to waste. We need to act, and with Ashton here, we just might have a fighting chance.

“Ashton?” Max’s voice mirrors my shock. His unexpected appearance is a huge relief.

“I found them,” Ashton calls out, scanning each of us. “Had a hunch you’d be in trouble.”

Avery moves closer, his face set in a hard line. “How did you get in here?”

“Through the door,” Ashton says matter-of-factly. “Dodged Thea’s patrols, but we have to hustle. They are up to no good.”

Devlin appears, stepping into view. Relief floods me as I see he’s okay. Whatever he faced with his father, he came through. Now, our whole pack is together.

“We need to move,” Devlin announces, quickly checking Grace and Lex before turning to Max. “I’ll help them get out. My folks have a car waiting. Avery, Ashton, can one of you give me a hand?”

“Nose goes!” Avery chirps.

“Alright.” Devlin smirks, accepting the task. He gently lifts Lex as Max helps Grace.

Suddenly, a door slams upstairs, and the sound of boots thudding across the floor reaches us. Tension tightens in my gut as I walk toward the basement steps, eyeing the closed door above—the only exit.

A chill of foreboding runs down my spine. Shouts echo through the cabin, mixed with unsettling laughter. As I breathe in, a horrifying realization dawns on me.

The cabin is on fire.

Panic rockets through me as the acrid scent of smoke becomes undeniable. “The cabin’s on fire!” I yell, panic and urgency blending into my voice. Everyone’s attention snaps to me, their expressions morphing from relief to sudden alarm.

Max quickly peeks out of the small room, his eyes widening as he takes in a slow, cautious breath. “We need to move, now!” he commands, taking Grace’s hand and hurrying her toward the stairs. Ashton, Avery, Lex, and Devlin follow close behind, moving as quickly as they can.

It hits me then—Thea lured us into a basement with no escape and then set the cabin ablaze. My heart sinks, aching from her deep betrayal. She went to extreme lengths to harm Lex and me, and there’s no way to reconcile such a malicious act.

Worse yet, I know help isn’t coming anytime soon, not in the middle of a snowstorm and not out here in the wilderness. Sure,Devlin’s parents are on standby, but the cabin is on fire. Unless they can dump water on the home, we are screwed.

“Seraphina.” Devlin’s voice breaks through my thoughts as he steps in front of me, his hands gently cradling my face. “Princess, you need to focus. We’re going to get out of here, okay?”

I nod, trying to believe in his words.

Avery steps up, determination etched on his face. “I’m going to check the damage,” he announces, nodding toward some gallons of water near the edge of the room. “Soak some fabric in water and cover your heads with it.” He hurries up the stairs, testing the doorknob. “It’s not too hot yet, but it’s locked. Ashton, we need you!”

The urgency of the situation grips us all. We have to act fast, and every second counts. I steel myself, ready to do whatever it takes to escape. This isn’t just about survival now, it’s about thwarting Thea’s twisted plan and protecting the people I love.

Ashton steps up beside us, his eyes glowing blue as he waits for Avery to join him at the steps. Ashton’s and Avery’s bodies seem to grow larger as they surge toward the door. Their combined strength crashes into it, and they burst through like an unstoppable force.

Smoke billows down like a thick fog, enveloping us.

“Here.” Devlin suddenly appears beside me, holding out his shirt. I hadn’t even noticed him stripping off his clothing, but he hands me his wet shirt. “Over your head.” He doesn’t wait for a response, draping his wet shirt over me.
