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I simply shake my head, whispering, “Beta society is peculiar,” as we navigate the hospital corridors toward the maternity wing. “They wouldn’t have called if this wasn’t significant.” I hesitate to believe that “significant” means a baby, considering Thea’s unpredictable and chaotic nature.

I had harbored a faint hope that if Thea were pregnant, she might have a change of heart, and that perhaps motherhood could awaken love and compassion within her. Now, I’m not so sure.

Approaching the maternity ward, a strange sensation ripples through me. I feel an acute absence, a sense that Seraphina should be here with us, but she’s with Ashton and Devlin, engaged in a council meeting about Finch.

Finch, whose siblings want nothing to do with the council, the sanctuary, or their father, has been elusive. Interestingly, a few months ago, Violet set up her own private investigation firm.

Violet viewed the search for Finch’s siblings as an exhilarating challenge, and Seraphina mentioned she plans to set out in the morning to track them down.

Avery, ever restless, bounces on his toes as he presses the intercom then turns to enthusiastically wave at the camera pointing down at us.

I swallow hard, feeling a surge of anticipation, and grip the door handle as soon as the buzzer signals our entry. Steppingthrough, we approach a high desk where a beta woman greets us with a warm smile.

“You must be Dr. Harrington. Your work on compost and mushrooms was brilliant.” She beams, causing a flutter in my stomach with her recognition of my professional achievements. “And tricking the dean of the beta college to get your doctorate,” she adds with a wink, “we’re all glad you did.”

I clear my throat, slightly taken aback. “Well, that explains that.”

She chuckles. “We’re not unreasonable here, even to an alpha and a delta.”

“This is my packmate and partner, Avery,” I introduce, earning a snicker from Avery. He revels in claiming me, and my acknowledgement of him as my partner clearly delights him.

“You must be here for the little one,” she says with a kind smile. “I hope it’s okay. We had a mage test her.”

Just then, a familiar figure makes her way toward us down the hall. Her long hair, embellished with feathers, is in a ponytail, while tattoos cover every visible inch of her skin. “Maximillian, I’m glad to see you healed from your burns,” she remarks with a discernible note of sincerity.

“I don’t think I ever caught your name to thank you,” I respond. This mage is the one Devlin’s parents had flown out to treat our injuries.

“I didn’t give it,” she replies, her smile hinting at a depth of untold secrets.

“What are you doing here?” Avery asks, his arms crossed. He’s always skeptical of coincidences.

“I go where Terra tells me I’m needed,” she replies, spinning on her high heel with a grace that defies logic. “Come along now.”

Avery and I exchange a glance, but we follow her. She leads us past nursery windows, where babies cry and mages work alongside nurses to soothe them.

Our enigmatic mage friend ushers us into a small nursing room, and there, in a bassinet, lies a baby. I stop in my tracks, a sense of disbelief washing over me. “That’s a baby,” I mutter, each word dripping with shock. Despite the call, I hadn’t fully believed a real baby would be involved.

“Yes, it is,” the mage confirms in a flat tone. “Your niece is an omega with royal blood, dropped off at this hospital by your mate’s sister. I’ve already sent the security footage to Ashton Griffin.”

Avery reacts with more composure than I can muster. As the baby cries, he quickly goes to her, lifting her gently and cradling her against his chest. Surprisingly, he sits and rocks her, a smile lighting up his face.

I’m about to voice my concern that we can’t keep her, but the mage’s knowing look stops me. “Your sister might take her in,” she suggests, one eyebrow raised.

“Grace?” I blurt out, my neck nearly snapping as I turn to look at this mysterious woman who always seems to arrive just when we need her most.

“Well, we’re scheduled to head south in a few days,” Avery interjects, turning his gaze toward us. “I think she might be onto something.”

I step closer to the tiny baby. She’s so small, her body curling and tiny fists tucked under her chin. “You’re sure she’s an omega?” I question, knowing that designations typically reveal themselves at puberty.

“Of course I know,” she scoffs with a thick accent.

“Fucking Thea,” I curse under my breath. How could she?

“Language,” Avery hisses at me.

“I wouldn’t worry about her,” the mage says with a disturbing smile. “She’ll get what’s coming to her, one way or another.”

I swallow hard, feeling conflicted. As much as I want justice for her attempts to harm us, I know Seraphina couldn’t bring herself to hurt her sister, but this woman before me? She would not hesitate.
