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“Let me see,” Violet says, emerging from her dressing room in a stunning silk dress, the fabric hugging her figure perfectly.

“Vee, you look exquisite,” I gush, my fingers brushing against my lips in awe. “That dress is just perfect for you.”

“I know,” she says confidently, striking a pose with her hand resting on her waist. “I’m definitely wearing this one.”

“You both look gorgeous,” the gamma chimes in, clapping her hands together in excitement.

Violet isn’t done yet though. “What if Max is there tonight? Or Avery? Or his twin?”

I pause, feeling the weight of her question as my hands glide over the fabric of my dress. “Well,” I start, sounding nonchalant, “I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.” I spin around and slip back into the dressing room, taking a deep breath. As my scent briefly escapes, I struggle to contain it, grateful that neither Violet nor our helpful associate comments on it.

I carefully hang the dress up and slip back into my casual outfit. Standing here, looking at my reflection, I can’t help but feel a mix of anticipation and nervousness about the evening ahead. Whatever happens, I know I’ll be facing it in a dress that makes me feel like a queen with Violet by my side. That thought alone gives me a bit of comfort.

The gamma’s excited voice cuts through my thoughts, bringing me back to the moment. “Come on, girls,” she says, bustling toward the counter with our dresses. “I’ve got a two-for-one special for you!” Her enthusiasm is infectious, and it’s hard not to smile at her energy.

Violet and I exchange a look, a mix of amusement and disbelief in our eyes. As we follow the gamma, I pull my hair up into a top knot, feeling a sudden wave of warmth. “All I want is something natural, you know? An organic pairing. Is that really too much to ask for?”

Violet’s expression softens, a hint of guilt mingling with concern. “You’re right, I’m sorry,” she admits. “I just worry about you sometimes.”

I give her arm a gentle squeeze as we walk. “Hey, don’t do that,” I say with a playful nudge. “Worrying ages you, and we can’t have that.”

We reach the counter, and the gamma is all smiles as she rings up our dresses, her energy never waning. As she hands us our bags, her warmth is a reminder of the small joys and unexpected friendships life can bring.

“Tonight is about you though,” I tell her. “Let’s find you a pack.”

“That’s the spirit.” The gamma sighs. “Oh, I love the early days of love.”

Giggling, I drag Violet away.

As Violet and I step out of the thrift store, bags in hand, the fading sunlight casts a serene glow over the city streets. We chat animatedly about the gala, our spirits lifted by our successful shopping spree, but our lighthearted banter is abruptly cut short by a familiar, unwelcome presence.

The alpha from earlier, the one with the slimy vibe, blocks our path. His expression is harder now, his eyes carrying a predatory glint that sends a chill down my spine.

“Fancy seeing you two here again,” he sneers, his gaze lingering on me in a way that makes my skin crawl.

I instinctively move closer to Violet, trying to keep a casual façade. “Just heading out,” I say, aiming for a tone of disinterest, but my voice betrays a hint of tension.

“You didn’t answer my question earlier,” he presses on, stepping closer. “About the dance.”

I can feel Violet’s unease mirroring my own. “We’re really not interested,” I state, trying to move past him, but he sidesteps, effectively blocking our way. The situation is escalating, and I can sense Violet’s growing fear. “Listen, we just want to leave. Please, just let us pass,” I plead, my heart pounding.

He’s not backing down. His eyes narrow, and he takes another step toward us, his stance aggressive. “I think you owe me that dance. After all, I was nice enough to ask.”

His tone is menacing, and I realize we’re in a dangerous situation. I glance around, hoping someone might notice and intervene, but the street is surprisingly empty.

Violet’s voice trembles as she speaks up. “We said no. Please, just leave us alone.”

He lets out a cold, humorless laugh that sends a shiver down my spine. “You omegas think you can just walk away after leading me on?”

I feel a surge of anger at his words. “We didn’t lead you on. We’re not interested. That’s it.”

His face contorts in anger at my defiance. “You’re going to regret that,” he threatens, moving even closer.

Panic sets in, and I know we need to act fast. “Violet, run,” I whisper urgently, ready to make a dash for it.

Before we can move, though, another voice interrupts the tense standoff. “Is there a problem here?”

We all turn to see a delta enforcer approaching, his expression stern as he assesses the situation. The alpha’s confidence falters at the sight of him.
