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“Thank you, both of you,” I murmur, genuinely appreciative of their support. It’s a strange twist of fate that has brought us together like this, and I can’t help but wonder how it might change the dynamics of our interactions moving forward.

Devlin’s eyes lock onto mine, and for a moment, it feels like there’s something unspoken passing between us.

Ashton breaks the silence with a warm smile. “Anytime you need us, Seraphina.”

There is so much unspoken in that one sentence that I can’t hold his vibrant gaze, and I look away, finding my car. I nibble my bottom lip, wondering if I can even drive my ass home. Groaning, I mutter, “Violet.”

“Let me take you home.” Ashton steps forward, but I’m not ready to leave either of them. I grip Devlin’s shirt, and I swear some bullshit leaves my mouth.

That’s when Ashton picks me up and nuzzles me.

“I’ll make sure your car and Violet get home,” Devlin promises, leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead.

My eyelids already grow heavy with his scent, chasing all my worries away. When Ashton’s spicy nutmeg scent washes over me, sleep drags me down into her clutches.



A splitting headacheand a fur ball jolt me awake. I don’t actually have a fur ball to cough up. Still, Minnow, my mischievous orange kitty, has decided that my head is the perfect spot for his early morning nap. I blink my itchy eyes open, and he responds with a contented purr. It’s like he’s mocking my situation.

As I slowly regain my bearings, the memories of last night come crashing back like a tidal wave. The gala, an extravagant affair filled with extravagant people. Avery, with that infectious smile that could melt even the iciest of hearts and the delectable ice cream that made me forget my troubles for a moment. Dancing with that insufferable alpha, desperately seeking an escape from his clutches. The dreaded chocolate mishap that left my dress in ruins. Then, the unexpected appearances of Devlin and Ashton, two powerful men who seem to be part of the same pack.

Groaning in despair, I roll away from Minnow, who voices his annoyance with an indignant meow. I bury my head under another pillow and toss a blanket onto it for good measure. What have I done?

I remind myself my heat does not define who I am as a person. I can’t let it control me.

Can I just hide under these covers all day? Maybe. After all, it’s Saturday, and I have the luxury of being off work on Fridays and Saturdays. Technically, I could cocoon myself in this blanket fortress and pretend the world doesn’t exist, and that my heat didn’t betray me while I was with Devlin.

However, I can’t ignore the undeniable connection between us. Even with the suppressants, my body recognizes that Devlin and his pack are a perfect match.

A soft meow interrupts my introspection, and Sushi, my pampered princess, hops onto the blanket, looking for a way to snuggle in. I lift the edge of the blanket, granting her access. Her bright green eyes gleam in the dim light as she settles beside me, playfully rolling over in anticipation of some affectionate pets.

As my fingers glide through her soft calico fur, I ramble, my voice barely above a whisper. “What am I going to do?” I curl my body around Sushi, seeking comfort in her warm presence. Minnow purrs behind me, his soothing vibrations mimicking an alpha’s calming influence. “The whole point of avoiding a mating ceremony was to give myself space to figure out who I am.”

Sushi chuffs at me in a way that only cats can, her eyes closing as if to say, “Figure it out yourself, human.” It’s a rather rude dismissal, but I need answers, and I need them fast. The scents of nutmeg and cream, unmistakably Ashton’s and Devlin’s mingled scents, still linger in the room, intermingling with my own scent, creating a tantalizing aroma that ignites my senses and sets my body ablaze.

I can’t helpbut feel the walls closing in around me, the weight of my choices pressing down. The complexities of the world and its intricate dynamics have never been more evidentthan they are now. The constant struggle between my own desires and the expectations of society is like a never-ending battle, one that leaves me torn and uncertain.

Sushi’s purring and Minnow’s comforting presence offer a small respite from the turmoil raging within me. I need to make a decision, and it won’t be easy. Do I follow the path fate seems to have laid out for me, or do I forge my own way, risking the consequences of defying tradition?

The room remains silent except for the rhythmic sounds of my cats purring. As I lie here, wrapped in the cocoon of blankets and uncertainty, I know one thing for certain—the choices I make in the coming days will shape the course of my life in ways I can’t imagine.

Throwing the blanket off me, I sit up, realizing that something’s amiss. “This isn’t my shirt,” I mutter to myself, yanking the unfamiliar garment away from my body. Devlin’s scent hits me, and my cheeks flush with embarrassment. It’s the shirt he wore last night. I can’t help but remember how I whimpered when Ashton tried to pry me away from Devlin. Devlin stripped off his shirt and handed it to me, a silent promise of something more.

“Oh, I’m so screwed!” I groan, dropping my head into my hands. This situation is worse than waking up hungover and trying to piece together the events of the previous night. No wonder the dean banned omegas from drinking. I hate to admit it, but she knew what she was doing. It’s a secret I’ll take to my grave.

I blow out a frustrated breath and toss my legs over the side of the bed, letting my feet dangle. The early morning sunlight streams through my windows, casting a warm glow on the studio below. Glancing at the wall clock, I see that it’s just past seven in the morning.

“Why am I awake this early?” I wonder aloud, wiggling my toes as I stand and stretch, mimicking what my kitties do on the bed. My entire body feels restless, like my skin is trying to shed itself. “Damn preheat.” With a sigh, I rip off Devlin’s shirt and toss it onto the bed.

The omega within me stirs, and irritation simmers in my veins. My nostrils flare as I glare at the white shirt crumpled on my bed. Every instinct screams at me to snatch it up and retreat under the covers.

I fight against the overpowering urge by turning away and grabbing a hoodie, slipping it over my head before reaching for a pair of leggings. As I put them on one leg at a time, the itch in my skin intensifies as though that stupid shirt is whispering to me. Finally, with the waistband securely in place, I close my eyes and take a slow, steadying breath before dashing for the stairs. The farther I get from the shirt, the more relief washes over me.

“What kind of nonsense is this?” I mutter to myself as I descend the steps. Finley, my watchful cat, blinks up at me before assessing the top of the stairs. “Not you too,” I scold him, shaking my head, and march over to the kitchen to collect their empty dishes.

I open the pantry to retrieve their food, and that’s when Tuna meows loudly, startling me. A small yelp escapes my lips.
