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Zero can’t help but laugh, his white-blond hair slipping off his forehead. He’s the only delta I know who is albino. While most deltas have blue eyes, signifying our designation, Zero’s are red, giving him an eerie vibe that I low-key love.

“Ah, come on, it was just getting good,” Zero remarks, his laughter echoing in the tense air.

Ashton doesn’t release his grip, so naturally, I take the opportunity to give his hand a playful lick because why the fuck wouldn’t I?

“Not going to work,” he cautions, pulling me to the side where no one can overhear us. Finally, he drops his hand, wiping it on his pants. “You’re more obnoxious than usual.”

“Because we are going to get our girl today,” I tell him smugly, a mischievous glint in my eye.

Ashton glances at the line of deltas gathering on the steps of the castle sanctuary, his expression a mix of doubt and hope. “If they allow us to choose her,” he says with a shake of his head, the skepticism evident in his voice.

“We have a secret weapon,” I proclaim, bouncing on my toes with excitement. I’ve been eagerly anticipating Seraphina joining our pack since the first night I caught her in our kitchen. “Max is with her.”

Ashton’s face falls, and he whips his head toward me, his eyes wide with surprise. “What?”

“Bro, do you ever check your texts?”

“I muted you assholes,” he mutters, crossing his arms and glaring at me, the broody ass.

“Rude.” I pout, giving him an exaggerated wounded look. “Check your messages. Go ahead, I’ll wait.”

Rolling his eyes, he digs his phone out of his pocket and finally reads the messages Max sent to our group chat hours ago.

“Fuck,” he murmurs, his cheeks burning red as the realization dawns on him. Our chances of getting Seraphina just got a whole lot more interesting, and I can’t help but smile in triumph.

“You should take us off mute.” I playfully jab Ashton in the shoulder for emphasis. He really should have known better than to silence us.

“They found a woman who was attacked by the woods,” he murmurs, running a hand down his face, his worry etched across his features. When he drops his hand, he scowls at the closed door as if it’s to blame for our predicament. “How long are they going to keep us out here?”

“Ah, there’s the spirit.” I clap him on the back, trying to infuse a bit of optimism into the tense atmosphere surrounding us.

Zero saunters back over to us with a cigarette hanging from his lips, unlit as always. He won’t smoke it, but he keeps it there, an unlit comfort. “You two going to pair up?”

“Do we have a choice?” I smirk and tilt my head, giving Ashton a mischievous look that hints at my willingness to abandon him, even though I have no intention of doing so. It’s all in good fun, and he knows it. He’s the softie of our duo.

“You two? No.” Zero shakes his head, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Did you hear?”

“What?” Ashton barks at him, his frustration making him sound like an alpha on edge. I know he’s on edge because he’s thinking about Seraphina, but she’s okay. She’s with Max. Max may look big and scary, which is intimidating as hell, but he’s a cuddly teddy bear inside.

“The omega died,” Zero whispers, his voice heavy with a somber tone. “They called a mage from the isles to healher psychological wounds. She freaking teleported to her side, and she still couldn’t save her. Apparently whatever happened warped her mind, and she just noped right out of life.”

I whistle softly, absorbing the gravity of the situation. I hadn’t read the update on my phone, even though it buzzed like crazy. Typically, no news is better news, and when my phone goes into overdrive with notifications, it’s usually not a good sign. Okay, maybe I’m not better than my twin at staying informed.

“To get a mage healer to transport means she must have been important,” Ashton says, his thick, dark brows furrowing as he contemplates the implications of the omega’s death.

Do I look like that when I think? Yikes.

Zero snorts, bringing our attention back to him. “I was on duty last night. They accounted for every single omega that came in, including the one that went into preheat.”

Ashton can’t hide his smug smile at the thought. I’m still jealous he got to watch. I nearly licked Devlin’s fingers when he came home last night. Okay, I admit it. I licked his fingers. I have no regrets, and I’d do it again if he’d let me. As it is, he boxed my ears.

“Anyway…” Zero gives me a strange look, making me wonder if I said any of that out loud. I probably did. “She made it back to her room at midnight. The floor’s resident gamma logged her in. She shouldn’t have been at that park, miles away.”

“Curious.” I nibble my fingernail, a terrible habit I’ve given up on quitting. “What was she wearing?”

“Jogging clothes,” Zero remarks, his gaze distant as he ponders the situation, the furrow on his brow deepening. “There’s a gym here, so why was she jogging outside of castle grounds?”

“New dean,” Ashton chimes in, his voice tinged with a hint of annoyance. “As long as the omegas log out, they can come and go now as they please.”
