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“Was that you?” he whispers, a hint of playful curiosity in his tone, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. We’re nestled in the corner of the room, surrounded by scattered art supplies. Most of them are strewn about haphazardly because some patients here apparently prefer gnawing on crayons rather than using them for their intended purpose. Not going to lie, I succumbed to curiosity myself and tasted one earlier because, after the third patient tried to snack on a crayon, I became convinced I missed out on some profound culinary experience.

Turns out, I didn’t miss out on anything other than wax I still can’t get out of my teeth. It’s not just the taste but the texture. It’s all awful.

“Yeah,” I hiss, my impatience seeping through as I run a hand through my wild hair. We’ve been over here since he and Avery walked in just half an hour ago, and my stomach is staging a full-blown rebellion. “I’m so hungry.” Yep, I whine, and I’m not proud of it, but I’m starved, and food will only appease the stomach gods. “Does that vending machine take change?”

Ashton, who is now lying on his side on the floor, sits up and looks over his shoulder at the vending machine, a little frown creasing his forehead. “Honestly, I think it takes tokens they give the patients.”

“Tokens?” I blink at him, genuinely surprised. “I mean, I know that change is almost a thing of the past, but tokens?”

Biting his lip, he leans in closer, a conspiratorial glint in his eyes. “What do you say we get out of here and I get you something to eat?”

My stomach rumbles in excitement at the prospect. “I swear, this thing has a mind of her own right now, and she is all on board.”

“Come on.” Ashton stands up, hovering over me. Unlike Avery, he isn’t as bulky. He’s slimmer, with a slightly harder edge to him. His black jeans and combat boots give him a bad boy vibe, but I know better. He’s just as soft as Max on the inside. He holds his hand out to me, so I place my palm in his, and he hauls me up effortlessly.

Warmth spreads through me at the contact, and excitement hums in my veins. I haven’t spent a lot of time with Ashton one-on-one, and there’s a thrilling sense of anticipation at having him all to myself right now.

“Where to?” I whisper, as though getting food is a thrilling secret between us, and the mischievous glint in his eyes tells me this adventure is about to get a lot more interesting.

Without a word, he slips his warm hand into mine and guides me over to where Max perches on a chair that seems to groan under the weight of his presence. What really touches my heart, though, is the sight of Max braiding the hair of a woman who sits on the floor beside him. She shares the same dirty blond hair as Max, and her eyes are the same shade of captivating blue. Max’s fingers move skillfully, weaving her hair into an intricate French braid. As I glimpse her vacant expression, I just know this is Grace.

Even though her eyes are looking in my direction, it’s painfully clear that she isn’t seeing me. Her gaze seems distant, lost in some inner world, and that realization tugs at my heartstrings even more.

“Hey, Gracie.” Ashton’s voice is gentle, bringing a lump to my throat. “You look beautiful today.”

Grace blinks at Ashton, her eyes lighting up as a radiant smile graces her face. Ashton gracefully sinks to his knees in front of her, and she opens her mouth. “Max is braiding my hair.”

“You look absolutely incredible,” Ashton says with sincerity. I can see the depth of his affection for this woman in his blue eyes. A strange sliver of jealousy tries to creep in, the kind that only an omega can understand, but I push it aside.

“You guys are the best big brothers ever,” Grace whispers, her voice filled with so much love that it melts away any trace of jealousy I might have felt.

I remain silent, not wanting to intrude on this intimate moment. I don’t know the extent of Grace’s fragility, and I don’t want to disrupt the fragile happiness she seems to have found in this space.

“Oh, yeah.” Ashton’s voice wavers as he swallows and licks his lips. His eyes, however, reveal a different story. They hold a hint of doubt, likely connected to the reason Grace is here in the first place. Ashton glances over Grace’s shoulder at Max, who continues to work on her hair. “I’m going to take Seraphina for some food.”

Max nods, his gaze briefly darting to the clock on the wall. He appears torn, as though he’s wrestling with an internal conflict.

“Are you leaving?” Grace looks up at Ashton, her big, innocent eyes glistening with unshed tears.

“Yeah,” Ashton replies softly, “but I promise I’ll be back to teach you how to paint an owl.”

Grace’s face lights up with a grin. “Okay.” With that simple word, she dismisses Ashton as easily as she dismissed my presence, returning to her world of contemplation.

“Straight home after you get food.” Max finally looks over at us, pausing his braiding. “I’ll see you later?” he questions hopefully.

“Maybe.” I give him a quick kiss on his cheek, a small thanks for showing me a vulnerable part of himself, but I’m not ready for sleepovers just yet.

With Grace now enveloped in her inner thoughts, Ashton rises to his feet and takes my hand, wordlessly leading me out of the community room and back into the corridor. As we walk, he casts a wistful glance back through the open door, and there’s longing in Ashton’s gaze that’s hard to ignore.

We reach the security desk, where Ashton signals for me to stay quiet as he signs us out. Beyond the desk, the delta I encountered earlier is taking a casual nap, embodying an intriguing mix of strength and vulnerability.

Ashton’s finger presses to his lips in a silent gesture for me to remain hushed as he completes the sign out process. Then, with a sense of mystery and anticipation, he leads me to the stairwell.

“He works too much,” Ashton remarks as the door closes softly behind us. His voice is smooth, carrying a hint of concern. “Few deltas want to stay here or visit, for that matter.”

I match my steps with him as we descend the steps, the rhythmic clattering of our shoes filling the air. My curiosity gets the better of me. “Why?”

Ashton casts a sidelong glance at me, his expression a curious mix of sympathy and understanding. “Because it’s a reminder of what can happen to them.”
