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Someone tried to poison my cats.

As the shock gradually fades, seething rage takes its place. It’s hot and violent, pulsing within me, burning until sweat beads on my forehead.

I wipe away the sweat, shrug off my coat, and turn off the car’s heat. This small action pulls me back to reality, anchoring me there.

Looking up, I see Avery bounding down the steps with a huge duffle bag in hand. His face is a mask of fury, and his delta blue eyes glow intensely, signaling his loss of control. As I watch him, a mix of fear and fascination stirs within me. Avery always appears so composed and in control, but now he looks like a tempest about to erupt. It’s a side of him I’ve never seen, and it’s both terrifying and strangely compelling. His raw emotion mirrors the turmoil inside me, and for a moment, I feel a kinship in our shared anger.

Reaching over, I honk the horn to get their attention.

Both twins turn to me, their sparkling blue eyes piercing through to my core. Their attention is riveted on me, just me. They might seem indistinguishable to anyone else, but their differences are strikingly clear to me.

Avery, standing beside his brother, is rounder and more filled out. His eyes, identical to Ashton’s, sparkle with a playfulness and mirth that his brother lacks. Then there’s Ashton. Looking at him sends a strange thrill through me, areminder of last night’s escapades in paint. Leaner than Avery, he leans casually against the car, a brow raised in my direction, his phone pressed to his ear.

Maybe it’s the culmination of everything that’s happened, or perhaps it’s my walls finally crumbling down to nothing but rubble, but something inside me shifts.

As an omega, we hold the power to accept or deny a scent match, making us queens in our own right, but in this hazy afternoon sunlight, I realize I won’t deny them. Somewhere deep within, I’ve already accepted their pack.

I honk the horn again, releasing a playful giggle as they stalk toward me. Danger may be lurking around us in the form of the intruder who snuck into my apartment, but I’ve never felt unsafe. Not with them around.

I know they’ll always take care of me, and that includes my cats.

Ashton swings the driver’s side door open and falls into the seat. Cold winter air presses against me, making me breathe a little deeper. With its crispness, there is just something about the winter air that allows me to breathe deeper than before. All too soon, he shuts the door.

“Listen, brat,” Ashton chides gently as he lifts my hand and places it back in my lap. “No need for shenanigans.”

Avery slides into the back seat and slams the door shut, shuddering. “Alright, we better get to the estate before the snow starts.”

“Too late,” Ashton notes, buckling himself in as he gazes skyward.

Curious, I lean forward to look up at the sky. Little flakes fall, each one unique in their own way, each one landing softly on the windshield.

I watch them, imagining them blanketing the ground, coating the world in white. It feels like a blank canvas, symbolizing a new beginning, a fresh start.

As the snowflakes dance their silent waltz outside, a cocoon of warmth envelops us in the car. Avery’s presence in the back seat is like a steady anchor, his occasional shivers mirroring my own internal tremors. I steal a glance at him through the rearview mirror, noticing how he seems lost in his thoughts as deep and uncharted as the snow that’s blanketing the ground.

Ashton’s focus, however, remains unyielding on the road ahead. His hands, firm on the wheel, maneuver us through the increasingly snowy landscape with a confidence that reassures me. Despite the chaos of the day, I find an unexpected serenity in his presence. It’s as if the snowfall has brought a hush over the world outside and the turmoil within me.

I settle back into my seat, allowing the quiet hum of the engine and the soft patter of snow against the car to lull my frayed nerves. My thoughts drift to the cats, to the safety of the estate awaiting us, and to the unspoken bond growing stronger between us. It’s a bond that feels as inevitable as the changing seasons and as comforting as the blanket of snow outside.

As we drive on, the snowfall thickens, each flake adding to the sense of starting anew. It’s like we’re leaving behind the troubles of the old world and heading into a future full of unknowns brimming with potential. The realization dawns on me that maybe, just maybe, I’m ready to embrace whatever comes next with these twins by my side.

With this thought, I close my eyes, feeling a sense of peace I hadn’t known I was missing. The chapter of my life that had been solely mine is closing, and a new, shared one is beginning to write itself.



When I was a little girl,some of my favorite memories revolved around my twin. Long before we understood our designations, life was simpler. We were blissfully unaware of pack dynamics or what our futures might hold. Our world was the present.

We lived for the moment.

As teenagers, we drifted apart, not out of choice, but because of how our forefathers structured our world. My parents sent me to the omega sanctuary while Lex attended the academy for alphas. At the castle, the focus was heavily on preparing for the future—learning to bake, cook, and clean, basically everything expected of an omega. We were so consumed with planning ahead that we never learned to appreciate the present.

I’ve always believed the universe sends us little reminders to live in the moment. These can seem like inconveniences, like finding no parking spaces at the grocery store. This small detail tells me a lot, like anticipating a busy day ahead. Violet and I usually shop together, preferring late-night trips when it’s less crowded. In my honest opinion, midnight is the perfect time.

One day, we had to go early. Cars packed the lot, and we parked at the far end. I knew this meant long lines inside, but I took it as the universe’s way of telling me to slow down and just... exist, so we did.

We leisurely walked into the store, waited in long lines, and practiced patience. It reminded me that some things are beyond my control.
