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My stomach lets out a rumble, so I head to the kitchen. The moment I step in, the rich aroma of coffee wraps around me. Like a caffeine craving zombie, I yawn and shuffle toward the beckoning pot of liquid gold. It’s eerily quiet in the house, which feels a bit odd.

I almost don’t know what to do with myself. Almost. After jazzing up my breakfast, I leave the kitchen through a different door, eager to shower some love on my pets. I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve been neglecting them a bit.

As I step onto the landing, a soft moan drifts down the hallway, freezing me in my tracks. I tilt my head and hold my breath, not daring to move.

There it is again, another low, soft moan.

Nibbling on the inside of my cheek, I briefly wonder if I’m about to intrude, but that thought lasts all of two and a half seconds before I think,Screw it. They invited me into their nest, after all. I’m curious to see what they are watching.

It has to be either Devlin or Ashton, and I’m about to catch one of them in the act of watching something... spicy.

I wait, listening for another moan to pinpoint its source. It’s coming from downstairs.

Pivoting on my heel, I tiptoe back down the steps, pausing every few moments to listen for another telltale sound, following the trail. The door to the basement is ajar, the lights dim, and there’s a noticeable chill in the air.

Dare I?

The steps themselves are split at the halfway mark, pausing at a larger step before twisting and descending the rest of the way in a different direction. Instead of just popping around the corner, I peer around it and look at the television. Off.

Another moan, louder this time, reaches my ears, followed by a string of harsh murmurs. From here, the scent of arousal is almost tangible—musky but not as distinct as it could be.

Get closer,my internal temptress whispers, urging me to venture farther and fully capture the scent. Why am I so intent on busting them?

For a moment, I hesitate on the stairs, feeling a mix of uncertainty and intrigue, but then another soft moan seals my decision.

I quietly descend the next set of steps and peer around the corner. Nothing. The pool room is dark, and the sofa is empty. Strange.

I slip into the entertainment room. The snow outside is piled even higher against the glass door than upstairs, but I dismiss it, creeping along the wall until the row of storefronts comes into view. Most are dark—except for Devlin’s.

The light is on, and through the glass front, I can just make out his shadow. I hadn’t expected Devlin to be the one watching porn.

I step out for a clearer view, but what I see isn’t what I expected. There isn’t porn on the television, but the scene unfolding could very well be one.

I quickly duck back, setting my coffee on an end table. Closing my eyes, I struggle to calm my racing heart. I should leave, go back upstairs, and maybe distract myself with my cats and some catnip, but I can’t.

Peering around the corner again, because I need to confirm what I saw—for research purposes, of course—I look into Devlin’s cigar shop. Despite the light haze of smoke, it’s clear that there are two bodies moving together.

I can’t believe it. They never hinted at being into each other aside from them last night, but it’s silly of me to think they wouldn’t be into each other. Then again, Devlin had all those pictures on his phone. I nibble my cheek, not upset, just surprised. Most packs do form bonds before an omega joins them, often turning to each other for sexual release.

I’m aroused, my own sweet scent intensifying. If they were to come out now, they’d know I was here, so why not get a better look, right?

I lean out a bit more for a clearer view, just as another low moan—unmistakably Ashton’s—fills the air.

In Devlin’s den, Ashton is bent over a coffee table with his cheek pressed against the wood, his mouth open in bliss and eyes shut tight. Behind him, Devlin is holding his head down, moving slowly, intimately.

Slick pours from me.

I slam back against the wall, just out of view of them. My heart thunders in my ears, momentarily drowning out their sounds of pleasure. I squeeze my thighs shut, because one whiff of me, and they’ll know.

Would that be so bad?

My eyes snap open as a thought strikes me. Would it be so bad to watch? I’m not sure. Yes, I want them all, but this is their moment, a private exchange. I’m the intruder here.

I swallow hard, my gaze fixed on the pristine white wall, so clean and unblemished. Why am I focusing on the wall? Because Ashton’s growl echoes through the space, resonating deep within me, sending vibrations right to my core. I can almost feel the hum along my skin.

One more look, I tell myself.

I peer over the edge again, taking a step to get a better view inside Devlin’s space. From here, I can see around the corner. Devlin’s shop front is the first, his door directly in my line of sight.
