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“Beauty always felt... strange to me,” I whisper, turning back to our reflection in the mirror. Next to Avery, I appear so much smaller, delicate, and somehow beautiful. In his presence, I feel like the omega that I am.

“How so?” he asks, brushing my hair off my neck.

I shrug, jostling him slightly, and avert my gaze from our reflection. “Beauty isn’t just what you see. It’s in how you treat others, in empathy and pain. It’s in how you treat those who are more vulnerable than you. Not just the words you speak to others, but also the words you speak to yourself.”

“You don’t see the beauty of who you are, do you, Seraphina?” Avery’s question lingers in the air, a soft yet piercing inquiry that seems to echo around us. I feel his gaze on me, intense and searching, as if he’s trying to unravel the layers of self-doubt and apprehension that I’ve wrapped myself in. “You don’t see the beauty of who you are, do you, Seraphina?” he repeats, his voice a gentle nudge, urging me to see myself through his eyes.

I meet Avery’s earnest gaze in the mirror, feeling my heart flutter. “It’s hard,” I whisper, my voice barely audible. Tears well in my eyes. “Thea is beautiful, maybe even more than me, but inside? She’s rotten, broken. There’s nothing in her worth salvaging.”

“You are perfect, Seraphina.” Avery gently tilts my chin, urging me to face my reflection. “Do you want to know who I see when I look in the mirror?”

I hesitate, fear gripping me. What if his words hurt? But I nod, my curiosity too strong. “It’s hard to see what you see,” I confess. “I’ve always been in the background, unnoticed. Being told I’m beautiful, it’s... overwhelming.”

Avery’s grip tightens, a reassuring anchor. “But Seraphina, you’re more than what meets the eye. You’re strong and resilient. Your spirit shines like a beacon. You’ve weathered storms, yet you glow. That’s your beauty. It’s not just your appearance, it’s your courage, your kindness, and your fiery spirit.”

His words envelop me, warm and comforting, seeping into the crevices of my self-doubt, filling them with a budding sense of belonging.

“And that’s why?” he continues, his voice a steady hum. “When I saw you, I didn’t just see an omega. I saw someone extraordinary, a challenger, a partner… my equal. You’re not just any omega, Seraphina, you’re my omega. This room, this house, it’s not just for any omega—it’s a home for you.”

A soft hiccup escapes me, the salty taste of tears on my lips.

“I won’t lie, I find you incredibly attractive,” Avery admits, his other arm encircling my waist and pulling me closer. “I adore every curve, every smile, every sassy word you utter, but it’s deeper than that. I feel the love you have for your brother and see it in how you speak of him. I see it in the way you treat animals as though they are humans. You’re like a princess from a fairy tale. I half expect a bird to perch on your shoulder one day,” he says, kissing my shoulder softly. “Your heart resonates with others’ pain. You stand up for yourself and set a precedent for other omegas in this world. I’m incredibly proud of you. You feel with your soul, and it touches everyone around you.” Heplaces his hand over my heart, and my eyes well with fresh tears. “You’re not defined by what you can do for a pack. You’re more than the sum of your actions. I see you, Seraphina. You love to bake, adore cats and animals, and find joy in the clouds. When alone, you dance with the freedom of the wind. Above all, you love unconditionally and spread that love as if it’s your purpose.”

Each word Avery speaks is a caress to my heart, resonating with every self-doubt and belief I’ve held about myself, about being an omega, and especially about the deep-seated love I nurture for him.

I pivot in his arms, and his gaze, intense and piercing, seems to see right through me. His touch is a constant, comforting presence as I lift my hands and gently cup his face. My lips part, ready to reflect the love he just poured out.

“Don’t do that,” he whispers, his breath warm against my skin as he leans in for a soft, tender kiss before pulling back slightly.

“Do what?” My voice is a mere whisper, laced with the scent of his cologne, a mix of wood and spice that’s become so familiar.

“Don’t just echo my words,” he replies, his eyes searching mine. “You owe me nothing. Just accept my words and let them sink in. Feeling your love is all the reciprocation I need.” He gently places my hand over his heart. “I feel that right here, my love.”

Tears brim in my eyes, blurring his image as I stand on my tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his lips. His taste is a mix of coffee and something uniquely Avery. “I like that,” I whisper as I settle back onto my heels.

“Hmm?” His hands, strong yet gentle, flex on my hips, drawing me closer. The coolness of his palms contrasts with my flushed skin.

“You called me my love.I liked it,” I say, my smile growing wider, my heart fluttering at the endearment.

“I liked it too,” he murmurs, leaning down to capture my lips again. He suddenly recoils with a surprised squeak. “What the?—”

“Finley!” My voice rises in surprise as I bend to pick up my mischievous tuxedo cat, whose fur brushes softly against my skin. I cradle him to my chest, feeling his purring vibrations. I glance at Avery, who’s rubbing his calf. “Did he bite you?”

“Yeah,” he grumbles, lifting his pant leg to reveal a red mark, the skin slightly swollen.

“Finley,” I chide, turning to my cat. His fur is silky under my fingers, and he responds with a contented purr, his paw gently tapping my cheek. “Don’t you act all cute now, you little rascal.”


“Oh no, you don’t,” I say, wrinkling my nose in understanding. Finley only acts out when he’s hungry. “Did your food bowl not go off?”

“Is he hangry?” Avery asks, a chuckle in his voice.

“Yes,” I admit, looking up at him apologetically. “I’m so sorry.”

“A cockblocking cat,” he remarks with a grin, reaching out to scratch behind Finley’s ear. “That tracks.”

I hide my smile in Finley’s thick fur as I step out of the closet. “You naughty kitty,” I scold lightly, though my tone betrays my amusement.
