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Perfect, that was exactly what I wanted because it put the table between us. I didn’t have to worry about him touching me, distracting me, or forcing himself on me, not that I was terribly worried about that. He could have forced himself on me downstairs while I was tied up and he didn’t. Hell, I might have begged him if he had kept me from cumming long enough. But one thing about this guy was certain; he had restraint.

Of Course, concentrating on the conversation would be a whole lot easier if he was wearing a shirt, but hey, it was his house. I wasn’t going to tell him to get dressed. I would be lying if I said I wanted him to anyway.

Morning light trickled in from the windows as I sipped the water and watched Raniero. He watched me back with a cautious, curious gaze that I could respect.

“So…” I said, playing with the rim of the glass. “You kidnapped me because your father told you to.”

“Yes.” He said quickly as if he was eager to get all of my questions out of the way, but not rushing me. I could respect that.

“Because he feels my father owes him a debt.” I stated and Raniero nodded. “How does my father even know your father?”

“Your father works for my father.”

I blinked at him.

“I’m sorry, what?”

Raniero blinked back at me.

“Your father works for my father.” He repeated and I raised an eyebrow at him.

“My father owns his own security company. He works for no one.”

“Your father owns a security company that was built to be the security for my father’s property. My father gave him the money to start the company, hire the right people, and become the most formidable security business around. Half our guys work for your father to train on how to be better security. In return, your father protects my father’s assets for free, now that he can afford to take on other paying clients.”

I blinked at him again.

Was that really how my father built his business? He had someone backing him? He always said he had done it alone, through hard work and sacrifice.

“And your father…you said he was a powerful man… who is he?” I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like the answer, but knowing what I was up against was important.

“He’s the Don of the Italian mafia.” Raniero explained and my heart dropped.

My father was involved with the mafia? Did he protect the Don’s assets? Did that mean he was involved in illegal things? Was he… not as good a man as I thought he was?

And if the Don and him were partners, then what debt did my father owe that would leave the Don to make his son kidnap me? Was it that big a deal or did the Don just not feel people’s lives were that important?

I sipped my water and tried to make sense out of everything, but it was like my brain couldn’t wrap around what was going on. I stared at the tabletop as if the answers would just appear before me, even though I knew it wouldn’t. Nothing about this made sense. My father didn’t work for the mafia and he certainly didn’t owe them anything. If he did, he would just pay it back.

What if he did something terrible?

“Do you know why?” I asked Raniero after a little while of processing. I looked up at him and he was watching me with those blazing blue eyes. “Why does my father owe your father a debt?”

“All my father said was that Lorenzo stole something from him. He didn’t give me any more details other than that, but I will tell you that my father takes theft very seriously.”

I snorted and played with the rim of my glass.

“Clearly. But my father’s not a thief. He prides himself on getting to where he got by hard work. He would never steal from anyone.”

Raniero shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m just telling you what I know.”

“I know.” I sighed. “Okay, so my father stole from your father and your father wants you to take it out on me. What does that mean? He wants you to… what… beat me? Hurt me? Lock me in a dungeon and throw away the key?”

A slow, evil looking grin spread across his face, but instead of scaring me, it sent a thrill through me. I thought of what he had done to me in the basement and wondered if he was thinking about the same thing.

“That’s exactly what he wants. He wants me to destroy your mind, then your body, then your reputation, I’m sure. Mostly he wants his revenge. Though, the problem is, the moment I saw your picture I knew I wouldn’t be able to do that, not the way he wants. Then I began watching you and I am more certain than ever that I will torture you in a whole new way, but you’re going to be begging me to do it.”
