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“Do you know where he went?” I demanded and I could hear Jax sigh.

“Always straight to the point. Got it. No, no one’s seen him and he hasn’t been around to his normal haunts. Not since the guy… the Russian… the one you ... .umm… gut with the pocket knife?”

“I know what you are referring to. Continue.”

“Well, I guess he hasn’t been seen since that night, according to Trips. They’ve been looking for him, but no sign. Even his apartment has been empty; we’ve got a guy watching it.” Jax explained.

I rubbed my forehead.

“You think the Russian’s friends took him? Maybe wanted to get some revenge?” I asked. It was a possibility, but a slim one. I couldn’t see the Russians getting pissed over one dead guy and missing out on a score as little as what Gizmo and Trips had on hand. The Russians usually handled bigger scores and I didn’t see any tattoos on the Russian, so I doubted he was part of their mafia. To me, it seemed like a junkie hit and nothing more.

Jax seemed to feel the same.

“No offense Boss, but I doubt it. Mostly I think Gizmo either freaked or tweaked and left the city. None of the product is missing so he didn’t steal from us, I just want to make sure he didn’t talk to anyone he wasn’t supposed to.”

“I get that. Keep an eye open for him and if you find him, let me know.”

“Will do Boss.”

Jax hung up and I sighed. Luckily Gizmo didn’t know much, but he was a witness to a murder. All I needed to know was that he didn’t go to the cops. If he did, it would be harder to silence him, and not all cops could be paid off. Not impossible, of course, but harder. And more expensive.

The next message was from Butch saying that he thinks he got lead, but doesn’t want to say anything until he’s absolutely sure, which I could respect. He said he would be in touch with me as soon as he followed up on it and I texted him back with a few thumbs up and an okay. I wasn’t one to use a lot of emojis but sometimes, they said it all.

The last message was from my father. He had tried calling twice and then had texted to tell me to call him whenever it wasconvenientfor me. I could hear his attitude in the text and I considered waiting to call him back, but that would just make it worse.

Reluctantly, I highlighted his name and hit the dial.

He picked up on the first ring.

“Raniero! My boy! So delighted you could take the time to call.” He said with fake enthusiasm. I sighed. I did not get enough sleep to deal with his passive-aggressive bullshit.

“Good morning, father. I’m sorry, I missed your call this morning. I was up all night achieving your task for me.” I explained. Immediately, his tone changed from sarcastic to delighted.

“That’s fantastic, my boy! You’ve got her? Did you tie her up? Did you torture her yet?”

I closed my eyes and put my head on the back of the couch. This was why I had done it the way I did. So I could tell my father the truth, just not the whole truth. He was excellent at telling when someone was lying so I had to word everything just so, to make sure he could feel like he was getting exactly what he wanted.

“Yes. I snuck into her house and chloroformed her, then put her in the car and drove her back home. I stripped her and tied her to the bed before having some fun with her. Now she’s sleeping.” I told him. All of that was true, I was just leaving out what kind of fun I had with her and also leaving out the fact that she was sleeping in my bed. He didn’t need to know these things.

“Good, good! This plan is going perfectly. Thank you, Raniero, I knew I could count on you.”

“Yeah, no problem, Dad.”

“Listen, I want the marriage papers done by the end of the day, that way when her father gets back there is nothing he can do. I wouldn’t put it past him to try to come and take her back. He might try it anyway, but you know how the boys feel about marriage. That unspoken rule will be the end of Lorenzo, in more ways than one.” He let out a loud bark of laughter and I could hear a few other people in the background laughing as well. He must be at one of the clubs or something. “Bring her bythe office tonight and we will get you two married. The judge will be there around 6 I think.”

I thought about that and decided that going to the office right now was not a good idea. He would be expecting her to be in a lot worse shape than she was and I didn’t think she was ready to go through what was required to make it look like I had done some damage to her. Not yet anyway.

“Do you mind sending the judge over here? I don’t think taking her out in public is a good idea.” I told him. Which was true, I didn’t think she was ready to pretend to be mine in public.

“I… won’t be able to get to your place tonight, Niero. I have business I need to take care of.” He said hesitantly. I smiled. Perfect. I was kind of hoping that would happen.

“That’s alright dad, I’ll have the judge bring you a duplicate copy so you know it’s been done. Just send him by and I will handle everything.” I promised, hoping he would just go along with it.

There was hesitation on the other end, but eventually he agreed.

“Yeah, okay, we can do that.” He said and I smiled. Good. “ I’ll send him over around 6.”

“Perfect. Thank you, father. I’ll make sure everything is taken care of.”
