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“I… got married?” I said and heard Stella yelling in Italian, which she did when she was super overexcited or worked up. She was probably both.

“How? To who? Why? Are you pregnant??? I didn’t even know you were seeing anyone! When did this happen? Why have you been hiding this from me? Anita…”

“Stop.” I told her, trying to slow her roll before she really got going. If she continued the way she was going, I would never beable to explain anything to her by the time my class showed up. “If you stop, I’ll be able to explain.”

As best I could anyway. I had already decided that I was going to tell Stella the whole truth because she would tell me. That and she was like a detective. Any time she thought I was telling a lie or trying to avoid a certain topic, she would jump on it and attack it like a bloodhound on a scent. There was no avoiding Stella’s interrogation. Might as well just come clean.

So I told her, right after I made her swear never to tell a soul what I was about to tell her. She did, which allowed me to go into how Raniero kidnapped me, tied me to a bed, and blew my mind. Then how he had been a gentleman and answered as many of my questions as he could before he brought me upstairs to make sure I got sleep. I told her about catching him masturbating in the shower and how he teased me before I went to sleep, then how the next morning we spent together watching TV and eating breakfast which he cooked.

“He made me blueberry muffins from scratch, even making sure to put the streusel crumble stuff on top, then we watched the latest Avengers movie because apparently, he loves the Avengers, though that part isn’t surprising.” I smiled, remembering yesterday morning with giddiness. It was like we had had our first date, but there was no pressure, just relaxation.

“So… how did you end up marrying him exactly? I get the part where he told you that it was part of his father’s deal, that Raniero… that’s his name right?... Yeah… well he’s supposed to marry you to get your money or whatever, but how exactly did that happen? Did you fly to Vegas or something? Go through a drive-through chapel? I’ve heard they used to have those.”

“No actually, his father sent a judge to the house and he married us like they would at the town hall. I guess the mafia can get a lot of things done on short notice.” I shrugged and looked down at the ring on my hand. “And wait until you seethe ring! It’s an emerald. He got it for me after we signed the paperwork and picked it out because it went with my eyes. He said diamonds always seemed so overpriced to him and he wanted something unique for me.”

“Well, that’s sweet.” She replied though there was a tone of disbelief in her voice. Like she was judging him and didn’t have a very good opinion of him so it was hard for her to compliment him.

I knew Stella wouldn’t be his biggest fan, but I was hoping she would grow to at least tolerate him. Raniero and I agreed that we wanted to make it work. He had never planned to marry and honestly, neither had I, but here we were, married to each other. We wanted it to work because we both thought marriage should be treated like a promise; the fact that we couldn’t exactly choose our partner didn’t change that.

I tried explaining that to Stella as I began setting up for the class, but she wasn’t 100% behind it.

“What if… I donno Anita, what if he’s a psycho killer or something? You said it yourself, he had you tied up in the basement. He has a set up which means he has either been planning on doing this to you for a while, or he’s done it before. What if his thing is kidnapping women, marrying them for their money, then offing them and making their bodies disappear?”

I snorted as I rolled out the mats and hung up the punching bags.

“He’s not a murderer, Stella, he’s a guy with some kinks. I’m sure he’s had girls down there before, not that I want to think about that, but I’m not exactly a virgin either.” I pointed out.

She sighed.

“I guess not.”

“And I’m not exactly straight-laced either. Remember Tommy? I told you about the crazy things Tommy and I got up to. Anal could be considered a kink you know.”

“True, but… Anita, I just worry that you are getting way in over your head here. This is not but plugs and cock rings. This sounds like… harder stuff. Him tying you to the bed naked? Talking about how his father wants him to punish you? That sounds like some hardcore BDSM shit right there. Are you cool with that?” She was asking to help, not tease so I actually thought about the question.

Raniero and I hadn’t gone into depth about his kinks yet, so I couldn’t say. We were more focused on the ‘getting to know you’ section. He hadn’t even pressured me for sex last night. He went and took his shower as he had the night before, leaving the door open a crack in invitation as he had done, but this time I didn’t poke my head in, toothbrush or no toothbrush. I would be heading home tonight to get some things and he would be picking me up so we could sleep together at his place. We hadn’t gone into our likes and dislikes sexually. I figured we would get to that eventually.

However, the more I thought about his fingers inside me and the size of his cock, the wetter I got and I remembered exactly how long it had been since I had had sex. I broke up with Tommy over a year ago because the jerk had decided that seeing me wasn’t enough, he needed to screw two of my students as well. Boy did I kick their asses to the curb in a second. Kept the money they had paid in advance too. Called it a ‘Callous Bitch’ fee.

“I don’t know if I’m up to it Stel, but I have to try. The only other option is to divorce him and get a whole new life. I can’t do that.”

“You can, you know, if that’s the option you want to go with.” She assured me. “I would go with you so you wouldn’t be alone.”

“ You can’t do that! You worked so hard to get the licensing to get the yoga studio!” I argued and put up the last of the punching bags.

“I can and I will. I am not leaving you, nor am I letting you leave me. Besides, my family is shit anyway, they won’t miss me. And it’s not like I have a high-powered career to worry about. You and I could high tail it out of here in a matter of minutes if that's what you wanted so do not go making that your excuse to stay.” She scolded.

“I’m not. There is no excuse. I want to stay and figure out where this thing goes. I’m scared, but fear isn’t a reason to not do something.”

“True, I can agree with that. Just be careful, Anita. I worry about you.”

The bell rang and a few of my students walked in, talking amongst themselves.

“I know you do Stell, but I promise, everything will be okay. Look, my students are coming in so I have to let you go, but I’ll see you later for your class?”

“Wouldn’t miss it. I have a ring to inspect.” She chuckled and hung up the phone. I giggled too and placed the phone in my pocket.

My classes went very well and by the end of my second class, I was feeling like everything had gone back to normal, except the emerald ring on my finger. It glinted in the light as I reached up to take the punching bag down and I hesitated. Was I making a mistake by trying to make things work? What if I wasn’t compatible with Raniero sexually? What if we just weren't compatible? What if his father changed his mind and wanted me killed, would Raniero protect me then?
