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“True.” I agreed, though I wasn’t convinced.

“It does mean that I have to let my father know though.”

We spent the rest of the morning watching the news, and then after about a 10-mile run through the woods together, we watched the Harry Potter movies as I had planned. We even ordered pizza, though because no one would deliver out to where we were, he had one of his guys come and bring it to us. It ended up being the perfect date day, even to the point where we fell asleep together on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms beneath a single fluffy blanket.


“Good, so he knows.” My father nearly hummed with delight when I called him. Anita was at one of her classes and I was in the car heading to a spot by the river that Jax had called and told me to arrive at. He didn’t say why over the phone which usually meant trouble and I was guessing it had something to do with Gizmo’s disappearance.

“Yes, he knows.”


“What do you mean, and?”

“And what did he do? What did he say?”

“I’m… not completely sure. I know he threatened to come by and take Anita from the house, though he didn’t know where it was and Anita refused to tell him.”

There was a pause on the other end and then he made a noise that sounded both curious and pleased. I pulled the car to a stop at the end of the dirt road as it faced the river. Jax’s car was parked there two, a few car lengths away. It was only the two cars, a line of grass then a knee-high wooden fence that ran the side of the river beyond it.

“She wouldn’t tell him? Did you tell her not to?” He asked and I hesitated. He was fishing for something, but I couldn’t quite tell what it was he was fishing for. Did he want me to say yes? Did he want me to say no? I was on shaky ground and I didn’t like it. Especially when it involved Anita’s safety. If I said the wrong thing…

“No.” I decided quickly, going with the truth. “She decided not to tell him on her own.”

“Excellent! Working on her mind already, that’s my boy.” My father exclaimed happily. I could see him sitting in his seat, steepling his fingers together in front of his face. “ I knew I was right to entrust this mission to you.”

I didn’t say anything to that, just waited as I cut the engine. It didn’t matter though, he wasn’t really interested in what I had to say. He was just too overjoyed with his plan. He went on for a few minutes more about how happy he was and how I was doing such a good job with Anita. I pretty much tuned him out until I heard the words ‘Zane’s Scene’ come out of his mouth.

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked, needing him to repeat himself. I sat up higher in my chair, suddenly on edge.

Zane’s was a club that I had gone to many many times. It was where I had found Claire, my last partner before Anita. It was also where many people like myself liked to gather and put on shows. Public shows and demonstrations. There was also a public dungeon in the basement that I had used on occasion. When whomever I was with had a taste for voyeurism.

“Oh, I thought you might want to show off Anita there tonight. I arranged for a table for the two of you and even booked the basement for a demonstration. I know you’ve done things like that before and I feel like having Anita as a… well a cautionary tale to others who might steal from me, would be a good idea.”

“Dad… the people who go to Zane’s basement…. They like what happens there. It won’t be the cautionary tale you arelooking for.” I told him honestly, but the thought of even bringing Anita to Zane’s had me clenching the steering wheel with white knuckles. I didn’t want to bring her there. It was too soon, she was too new, to me and to the lifestyle. If I brought her now, it could damage things if she wasn’t ready. Which might be my father’s goal, but it certainly wasn’t mine.

“Well, make it a different show!” He insisted. “Make them understand that you took her, that she’s not there by choice, that she is a prisoner paying for her father’s mistakes!”

“Telling them that might get me banned, father.” I told him honestly. “Zane is very strict about his rules. Nothing illegal and nothing nonconsensual. “

“Oh, I’m sure you will figure it out. Oh, I know…” He waited for a moment and I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like the words. “I’ll send a few guys with you and you can have them use her in front of anyone. Show them what’s at stake if they take from me. I’ll even get one of the men to take photos. We can send them to her father.”

Something inside me clenched. Normally, I wouldn’t have a problem with this. I don’t do things that are without consent, but I have no issues setting up scenes that aren't. I know I could talk to Zane and explain the reason behind it and he might even let it happen. Because I asked him to. Or if I paid him enough. My father was right, there were ways around it and I would figure it out, but thinking of my Anita being taken advantage of by other men? That part left a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“Raniero? Are you still there?” My father asked and I swallowed hard, trying to shove the bile back down that had risen in the back of my throat.

“Yes, Dad, I’m still here.”

“Good. Now the reservation is at 8. Be there with her and enjoy yourself son. You deserve some fun after all I’ve asked you to do. I can’t imagine you’ve had an easy go of it these past few weeks.”

“No…” I replied because he was expecting me to. “It hasn’t been easy.”

“Well make sure to take pictures of the event. I leave my revenge in your capable hands, my son. Oh, and great job on getting her to sign that marriage certificate! I was expecting your handwriting of Judge John’s, but it is most definitely a woman’s signature. I am assuming it’s her actual signature?”

“It is.” I told him and he cackled.

“Fantastic! I don’t know what you’re doing my boy, but keep it up. You are exceeding all my highest expectations.”

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