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“Yes, hun, I’m fine.” She assured me and kissed the tip of my nose. Her hair was a mess from sleeping with it wet, but neither of us had much energy for anything else last night. We came home, showered together, and went to bed. I had thought about taking her again once we got to bed, but I was spent and I was a little worried I had traumatized her.

Not many people have watched me kill anyone. No one has ever had sex with me after seeing it. I worried that I had made the wrong move fucking her after everything last night, but it was the show that people wanted to see. After the blood, they needed sex because sex was what was sold in that place, not death. So I had given in to my urges and fucked her. She enjoyed herself, sure, I had made her cum three times, but still. I was worried I had scared her.

After all, she had gotten a glimpse of the monster I am.

“Are you really? You’re not afraid of me?”

“No, I’m not afraid of you. You saved me from doing something I didn’t want to do. It was their fault that they were stupid enough to fight with you. They could have run off like Jack did, but they didn’t. You protected me, Raniero, you didn’t scare me. I owe you so much for that.”

“You don’t owe me anything.”

“Yes, I do.” She shook her head and put her hand on my face. I closed my eyes just happy that she wasn’t afraid to touch me. “You saved me like you said you would.”

“Just tell me the truth. Are you okay?”

“Yes!” She laughed and sat up in bed. “I promise you I am perfectly fine. Now, I’m going to venture downstairs and make some coffee. Are you going to join me? Or were you planning on moping around up here all day?”

She smiled at me then jumped off the end of the bed and headed downstairs without waiting for my reply.

I hoped she was telling me the truth. I would hate to think that I scared her and she was hiding it. I hadn’t thought about that before I acted, I just did what my instincts were telling me to do. I didn’t even have a plan until I saw the men touching her.

It nearly drove me mad watching them touch her, fondle her, kiss her. I saw red and snapped. I had intended to give an excuse as to why they couldn’t fuck her. I had thought about causing a fight instead of telling them she had an STD. So many things flashed through my head, but killing them had not. Not until I was already hilt deep inside the first guy that came close enough and then I just had fun. The two taller ones were a handful, which was so satisfying when they dropped. I waited and played with them until they did something stupid and then I ended it for them without them even knowing.

And when I had looked up at Anita hanging there in my ropes, watching me with wide eyes I could think of nothing better than sinking myself into her and fucking her senseless. I had wanted to take her when I was covered with the blood of our enemies. I had wanted to feel her squeeze around my cock while she was tied and helpless. Mine, all mine.

Then there was the fact that she had told me that she loved me.

That part completely blew my mind. I hadn’t been prepared for it either which I think was the major trigger to violence. She loved me and she trusted me to keep her safe. How could I let those assholes touch her? How was I protecting her when they had their hands on her, rubbing up against her like dogs?

I hadn’t brought it back up to her, but I wanted her to say it again. She loved me. How had that even happened? The last woman who had told me they loved me was my mother and that was many years ago before she disappeared. I couldn’t even wrap my head around it, but I wanted it. I needed it.

Slowly, I got up out of bed and put a pair of black sweatpants on then trundled downstairs. The coffee was already brewed and Anita had already made me a mug of it. It was resting on the coffee table in the living room along with Anita who was sitting cross-legged in the corner of the couch, like we do every morning to watch the news. The routine of it made me feel at home and I couldn’t imagine my home without Anita in it.

I grabbed the mug and sat down on the couch, took a deep sip, and closed my eyes for a second.

“Thank you.” I told her and she smiled at me.

“No problem.” She shrugged and turned the news on.

Before I got lost in the program and we started our morning routines, I decided I wanted to bring something up real quick, so I leaned forward and hit the mute button on the TV. Anita turned to me with a curious look and I smiled.

“I was wondering if you are okay and everything… if you'd like to move in with me. If Not, I completely understand…” I began, but she held up a hand and interrupted me.

“Absolutely. If you are ready to have me here full-time, I’m ready to be here full-time.” She smiled and I leaned over to kiss her nose. She was the most amazing woman I had ever met and I made a mental note to thank her father for stealing whatever it was he stole from my dad. “That does mean Crisco comes too, you know.”

“Yes, yes, the orange fluff ball. How could I forget?” I joked and she stuck her tongue out at me.

Our teasing was interrupted by my phone ringing. It was on the coffee table where I had dropped it when we came home last night and I had forgotten to turn it off apparently. Annoyed that I hadn’t even gotten through a full cup of coffee before people were calling me, I answered the phone without looking to see who it was.

“What?” I barked into the phone.”

“Good morning Raniero.” Butch said on the other end of the line. “I take it I am calling you before you’ve had enough coffee?”

“Yes. Sorry Butch, how are you?” I backtracked, rubbing my forehead.

He chuckled on the other end then stopped abruptly, in business mode all of a sudden. “I found my lead and I’m heading your way to fill you in. Are you decent?”

“I will be. How far are you out?”
