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He observed me for a moment and then handed me a manilla folder. I took it and opened it on his desk. On the inside cover, there was a sheet of paper with a woman’s picture paperclipped to it.

She was very attractive with short, choppy straight brown hair that went well with her bright hazel eyes and a cupid bow’smouth that quirked up in the corner with her smirk. It looked like it was a picture taken of herself for social media maybe because the background was blurred and there was a ring of hearts around her face.

Underneath the picture was the name:


“Who is this?” I asked, glancing over the information listed and then at the other pages within the file. It gave an address, her age, her height, her place of work, her occupation. There was also a copy of the deed to her house, her car’s registration, and an envelope full of pictures. I didn’t look too closely at them, needing to hear what my father had to say because clearly he had done some serious research on this woman.

“This is Anita Asdrubale. She is the daughter of Lorenzo Asdrubale.”

“Our head of security?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. This couldn’t be good. Lorenzo had been a friend of my father’s for years. He was one of the first and had been a part of the group that helped my father rise to power. Lorenzo had been the man to help move the body of the partner they had murdered all those years ago. “Why am I looking at a file on his daughter?”

“Because Lorenzo took something precious to me and now I want you to take what is precious to him.” He explained and leaned back in his seat, looking at me over his black coffee mug. “He is away at the moment on vacation with his wife and they will be gone for quite some time. Now is the perfect time to exact my revenge.”

“And she is the revenge?” I asked, looking over the file at him. He nodded with a cold smile.

“Yes. I know you, son. I know your tastes. I know what makes you happy. I know about your dungeon and your little treasures.” He lifted an eyebrow as if to challenge me to deny it,but I didn’t. He knew me better than anyone and it was bound to get back to him at some point.

I liked causing pain. I liked tying people up and torturing them. I got off on it and I had learned at a very young age that there was nothing wrong with that. I was just wired a little differently than most people. In my line of work, it came in handy, seeing as I never knew what it was that my father would have me doing and if I could enjoy it at the same time, was that so wrong?

But this… this was a whole new level.

“What…exactlydo you want me to do?” I asked, speaking very carefully, looking at Anita’s photo. She looked so sweet and innocent, like nothing in the world had ever gone wrong for her. Part of me, the part that enjoyed torturing people, twitched inside my head, wanting to shatter her perfect world and pick up the pieces. Part of me wanted to whip that smile right off her face.

My heartbeat raced and I felt a tingle run down my spine.

“I want you to take her to your dungeon and make her yours as completely as possible. Marry her before her father gets back so he can do nothing about where she is and I want you to destroy her mind and then her body.” He told me and leaned forward on the table, elbows on the glass, fingers steepled on the side of his head.

“Marriage?” I asked, a little taken aback. I had never even thought about the idea, let alone marrying a stranger.

“Yes. Like I said, I want her to be completely yours so that you may inflict my will, my revenge, for as long as possible. I will have a judge come by to sign all the paperwork this time next week, I just need for you to make her sign it. That is your second job. Your first is to kidnap her and put her in your dungeon.”

I nodded, unable to take my eyes off the woman in the photo. I knew I should say no. This was above and beyond what Iwas into. I liked whips and chains with my sex, sure, and I enjoyed torturing people for my father, interrogating them until I delivered the final blow that stole their lives from them, but I had never done anything like this, and especially not to a woman I had never met.

“Do we have an understanding?” He asked and I looked up at him. He was offering me the chance to say no, but if I did, I did not doubt that he would take it out on me somehow. No one said no to my father, not even me.

“We do,” I told him, shutting the folder and tucking it under my arm. “I will do as you ask.”

My father grinned and nodded once, a smile that could freeze the heart of the undead.

“Very good.”


“Thanks for the class! It was so much fun!” Tamera shouted on her way out the door along with the other 25 sweat-covered people I had been teaching kickboxing to for the last 30 minutes. The man behind her, Alex, glared at her, still panting from the workout.

“How… can you… have so much… energy?” He demanded, making the woman directly behind him snort out a laugh. I chuckled too, knowing the reason why, even if I couldn’t hear her answer as the door shut behind everyone. Tamera was my best student and had been joining my class since the beginning. She had built up resistance whereas Alex was in his third class.

He would build up stamina if he stuck with it, though I never got attached to someone until they completed 10 classes. The first 5 were free, and the next 5 they had to pay for, along with any class after that. If they could commit to the full-price classes, they were keepers and serious about whatever their goals were.

I started cleaning the mats and putting away the equipment as Stella walked in, her long lanky limbs carrying her through the door like she had wafted in on a breeze. Stella was my bestfriend, yoga teacher, and co-worker, seeing as we shared the same space. She also happened to be my next-door neighbor. After my kickboxing classes, I would take her yoga class to loosen up, then head home with her, seeing as my car was pretty much useless. Ubering in the morning was fine, but by the time it came for me to go home, everything was too expensive.

“Hey, Stella!” I called over my shoulder as I scrubbed down one of the punching bags. We had worked on kicks today, which meant they saw more skin contact than I wanted to think about. They deserved a good lysoling.

“Hey, Anita. How was class?”

“It was good, I think I have about 3 students out of this new group who will stay, so that’s exciting.”
