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“What is it?” Butch asked, looking at her with curiosity.

“I know you’re busy with this case, but I was wondering… if it’s not too much trouble… Can you look into my father? His name is Lorenzo Asdrubale. He stole something from Raniero’s father and I would like to know what.”

Butch turned to me and blinked.

“You married Lorenzo’s daughter?”

“Yes.” I agreed and shot him a look to make him shut up. I didn’t need to know his opinion. He knew enough about Lorenzo to know that he was pissed that his daughter and I got married.

“Well then. Yes, dear, I’ll be sure to look into that. For a small added fee of course.” He looked at me and I waved my hand.

“You know you can just bill me and I will pay whatever it is you need. DO as she asked and I’ll even give you a bonus. Especially if you find my mother while you are in New York.”

“Yes Sir.” Butch said, and he grinned. “Have a nice day.”

We escorted him outside to where he got into his little black sedan. I watched him go feeling more hopeful than I had in years. He had found my mother’s best friend and he was off to go see her. Maybe she would tell him where my mother was. Maybe she knew what happened. Maybe I would get to see my mother again.

I hoped so, but I was also terrified of hoping.


Isat on the couch with Raniero watching TV, but I couldn’t concentrate. I kept thinking about his mother and how he had hired a private investigator to try to find her while here I was, avoiding my family because I didn’t agree with them.

Sure, my father was angry, but it was his fault I had to marry Raniero to begin with. That was his problem. What was I so mad about? I was happy that Raniero kidnapped me, that I was forced to marry him for protection. I was happy with how things turned out, so much so that I had fallen in love with the man sitting next to me.

So what was I still avoiding them for? Because I didn’t want to hear them disagree with me?

Maybe if they saw how happy I was, they would be okay with it and we could go back to living our lives the way we had. I missed my weekly calls from my father and I missed seeing my mother. She hadn’t said anything against Raniero, I just haven't spoken to her because of my father, which wasn’t fair to her or me.

“What’s on your mind, Darling?” Raniero asked, his voice cutting through my thoughts. I smiled at him and snuggled up into his side.

“Nothing, just… thinking.”

“About what?” He asked, placing his head on top of mine. I shrugged.

“Nothing important.”

“If it’s keeping you from enjoying the Lord of the Rings, then it is important.” He poked me in the side and I squirmed. “Come on, tell me.”

“Okay.” I sighed and sat up so I could face him. “I was just thinking about my family.”

I stopped, hoping that he would just accept that and move on, but he didn’t. He just sat there watching me, waiting me out.

“I used to talk to my dad twice a week which sometimes bothered me, but we would always check in with each other and I miss seeing them, talking to them. I was just thinking about you hiring someone to find your mom and have been searching for her for a long time while I know where my parents are and I don’t go see them for petty stupid reasons.”

“Well, then change it. If you want to go see them, then by all means, let's go see them.” He shrugged as if it were no big deal. I just stared at him.

“But my father hates you!” I exclaimed and he just shrugged again.

“I’m used to being disliked, it’s nothing new. But I know that if I still had my mom I would want to see her and I would want to share my life with her. So if you want to go see them, then let’s go.” He said and stood up, putting out a hand for me to take. I blinked at him for a moment, uncertain. Did I really want to see my father explode because I brought my husband home? “Come on, Darling. Let’s go put your fears to rest.”

How was I going to turn that down? I couldn’t because he led me outside and we got in the car. We had both gotten dressed after Butch left so at least I was wearing jeans and a sweater and Raniero was still wearing the sweatpants and shirt he had thrown on for Butch’s arrival. It made him look relaxed and funny enough, that I figured it might be the best outfit to wear to go visit my parents.

We drove for a while as I gave him directions and we listened to a mix of his music and mine. I sang my country songs and when he would play one of his, I listened and tried to like them. Some of them were easy to like; My Chemical Romance and Metallica seemed to be my favorite while I got him to sing along with Johnny Cash. He laughed at my attempts to scream along with the music and I laughed at his attempts to have a southern accent.

By the time we pulled into the driveway, most of my fears were gone and I was in a fantastic mood. He was so good at that, calming me down. He did it without me even realizing he was doing it too, which was where the real magic was.

I got out of the car and led the way to the front door. Raniero followed close behind, but I noticed that he didn’t take my hand or anything. Smart. He was trying to seem as unthreatening as possible.
