Page 26 of Saving Finley

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Jac gave him a serious stare. “I haven’t stood down from a command until I left the Army. And then, that wasn’t for long before I started bringing on these knuckleheads. I’ll do my best to follow your lead. It’s all I can promise.”

“Good enough.” Garrett turned to the Colonel. “Ben and Levi will bring the chopper in after we are sure of where we’re headed.”

“Callie, and I will take Ryker with us. He might be able to use those rusty, dusty, negotiator skills of his.” Ryker nodded, not offended at Garrett’s attempt at levity.

“Monroe, you, Cash, and Mark are in the third vehicle.”

The engines of the black SUVs roared as they tore through the winding back roads, tires kicking up dirt and gravel in its wake, slowed things down. Once they pulled back onto a larger main road, things went faster. Everyone hoped they would be able to stay on better roads for a while.

“I appreciate your calmness, Carter. I would have gripped the wheel so tightly I might have broken the steering column or my finger joints.” Jac glanced at Sharlee. Her face was drawn and pale as she clutched her phone, guiding him to the location shehad managed to track. She had set up a satellite system to guide them, but sometimes the road was in amongst trees and nature that blocked the signal. Jac put his arm around her shoulders and she slumped a little into his hold, only to straighten again as they continued ahead.

Levi and the Colonel had arrived quickly to wait for the go signal to lift off. Ben had brought his chopper in closer earlier in the day, so it was ready when needed.

“Now I know what it feels like to be on the other side of this kind of thing. Most of us have been through similar but it wasn’t a child. I can’t imagine the fear and worry. We’ll get them home tonight. Your job will be, of course, to stay out of the way so they can grab baby boy and Finley and get out.”

“Cash will get Finley, and I feel certain Jac will grab Storm.”

The Colonel nodded. “Your job is to support only. Like mine. I haven’t had this happen to me or a loved one, but I’ve come close to being captured a time or two. I can imagine it could kill the soul when it’s your loved one.”

“I hadn’t realized my feelings for Fin were this strong. Cash said his were and that if I was honest, I’d see mine were too. I truly thought we were just pals, but I am finding that it isn’t as easy as that.”

“Nothing ever is. Easy and love just don’t happen in the same vortex.”

“It doesn’t seem to. I hope she’s alright.” Levi’s voice trembled a little. While the sleep had done a great job at helping him feel better, he still felt shaky.

“We won’t let it be any other way, son.” Sharlee came over the radio.

“Turn left up ahead,” she instructed, her voice wavering slightly. “We’re getting close.” She relayed the same message to the others, hoping not to broadcast their intent to the police as well. She instructed, in her best detached voice, to head to thecoordinates as she texted them. She then sent the same message to Ben and Levi.

“Everyone be ready,” Garrett called out over the communication devices. Tensions were high and that was a good thing because it made a person more observant and more responsive. The feeling of determination and loyalty radiated through all the vehicles.

Levi felt odd because he hadn’t claimed Finley. It wasn’t anything he had considered before today. It was nearly dark, and he hoped Finley wasn’t hurt and that Storm was with her, so he wouldn’t be too frightened. He wanted this nightmare to be over and to fall into bed for a long sleep with Finley beside him. Cash might have something to say about that, but hey, he and Fin had been through the ringer. They deserved to pass out together.

In response to the new coordinates, the chopper lifted into the sky and seemed to eat the miles in seconds. “The target is a mom-and-pop gas station,” said Ben.

Sharlee responded. “We see it. Colonel, tell us what you see from your vantage point.”

“Nothing really. No van. No cars really except an older model truck.”

Garrett came on the mic. “Colonel, drop her down in the back if you can. Carter, you park around the side to the left of the front. Mark, go to your right. We will pull up in the front.”

“Roger that,” came the responses.

“Got it,” said Ben. “We have an entry but didn’t see any others. Awaiting response order.”

The other two were suspiciously silent.

Carter spoke. “Jac and I will enter from the back. Sharlee is remaining in the vehicle, monitoring.

Garrett spoke. “If there isn’t a door on your side, Monroe, go clockwise until you find a door and that is your entry and guard door. I believe that will be the front.”

There was silence for what Levi thought was too long and as he reached to leave his seat, the Colonel said, “Ease, son. We have to let them get the job done. No heroics. We are ready to assist when called in. This is our station right now.”

Levi couldn’t believe that the man was so calm. He wanted to yell at him, but knew the older soldier was right. He impatiently stood his position.

Soon after that, the team began to walk out the front door. “Colonel, they’re exiting the building. All seems under control.” The two men in the chopper joined the group. Sharlee leaped from the SUV and headed into the crowd when Jac strolled out of the door with a crying Storm.

“Who is that young woman?” asked Benjamin.
