Page 68 of Saving Finley

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The fact that Jac knew about another person seemed to stall Caleb for a full minute. The atmosphere in the warehouse grew heavier, charged with the weight of their confrontation. The team stood ready, their eyes never leaving the scene unfolding before them. They knew that the answers they sought would determine not only their safety but the future of their tight-knit community.

As Caleb stared defiantly into Jac’s eyes, the battle lines were drawn–a test of wills between two men who had once called each other comrade. Caleb’s eyes blazed with anger and resentment as he looked at Jac.

“You think you’re so righteous, don’t you? Always playing the hero,” he spat, his defiance unwavering. “But you’re not as perfect as you pretend to be, Reynaud.”

“Stop trying to deflect, Caleb,” Jac warned, his patience running thin. “You’re the one who’s been pulling the strings behind the scenes, putting our loved ones in danger. Selling your services to those who murder for fun, sell death to children in the form of drugged candy and to their families. You are a destroyer, so maybe, compared to you, I am much closer to the definition than you are. Maybe not a hero, but a defender, a protector.”

“Me?” Caleb let out a derisive laugh. “You’ve got it all wrong, Jac. You’re the one who brought this upon yourself and your family. How many enemies have you made over the years? How many people have you pissed off?”

“Enough of your games!” Jac barked, taking a step closer to Caleb, eyes narrowed in determination.

“See for yourself,” Jac said, pulling out a thick folder filled with documents and photographs. He tossed it on the floor between them, the contents spilling out. Among them were recordings of conversations, damning evidence that linked Caleb to the real kidnappers and his former military liaisons in his drug running. It included copies of all Sharlee could get.

“Still want to deny it?” Jac challenged, his heart pounding in his chest as he stared down at Caleb, who had gone down on a knee to gather and peruse the papers.

Caleb hesitated, his gaze flickering between Jac and the incriminating evidence scattered before him. For the first time since their confrontation began, a flicker of uncertainty crossed his face.

“Look at it, Caleb,” Jac urged, his voice taking on a forceful tone. “This is your handiwork. You were working with someonefrom our past, someone we both know. And now, because of you, my family and my friends are in danger.”

Caleb’s eyes darted from the scattered evidence to Jac, his breath hitching as the weight of the proof bore down on him. The smug defiance that had twisted his features moments before was replaced by shock and disbelief. His mouth opened and closed, struggling to find words that could save himself.

“Y-you can’t possibly think this is enough to take me down,” he stammered, grasping at straws. But his voice lacked the confidence it held just moments ago. He knew the truth: he’d been outsmarted and exposed.

“Enough? We will let the government figure that out. They are in possession of a full copy.” Jac’s tone was ice cold, his eyes never leaving Caleb’s face. “You tried to destroy my life, my team, everything I’ve built. You put innocent people in danger. Not only is it enough to bring you down, but your conspirator as well. The mastermind to this whole operation. And he is here with you.”

Around them, the team watched Caleb with a mix of disgust and anger, their hands poised near their weapons. They’d trusted Caleb once, but now he was nothing more than an enemy to be dealt with. The exits from the great room were covered by them and their drone.

Caleb’s chest heaved with each labored breath, fury bubbling beneath the surface. He’d planned every detail meticulously, believing that he could exact his revenge on Jac and his team without ever being discovered. But now, cornered and exposed, his carefully crafted world was crumbling around him.

“You think you’re so clever, don’t you, Jac?” Caleb spat, trying to regain some semblance of control. “But you’re not untouchable. Neither are your friends or family.”

Jac’s jaw tightened, his muscles coiling like a predator ready to strike. “I’ll make sure you pay for what you’ve done, CalebRodney. And anyone else involved in this. You can count on that.”

Caleb bared his teeth, the desperation in his eyes betraying the bravado in his voice. He knew he couldn’t fight his way out of this one. But he couldn’t let Jac and his team walk away unscathed.

“Go ahead, try it,” he taunted. “But just remember, Jac, you’ll never be safe. Your family will never be safe. You’ll always be looking over your shoulder, wondering if today’s the day it all comes crashing down.”

“Silence,” Jac roared, his patience finally snapped. He stepped closer to Caleb, every inch of him radiating power and authority. “You’ve lost, Caleb. It’s time for you to face the consequences of your actions.”

Caleb exhaled slowly, the fire in his eyes momentarily extinguished by the realization that his revenge plot had failed. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, no longer defiant but rather resigned to his fate. The anger still simmered within him, but now it was tinged with desperation, fear, and a sense of loss.

“Mark my words, Jac,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “This isn’t over.”

“Believe me, I know,” Jac replied, meeting Caleb’s gaze without flinching. “And when it is, we’ll be ready.”

A bead of sweat trickled down Jac’s temple as he stared into Caleb’s eyes, the tension in the warehouse thick enough to cut with a knife. The team held their breath in anticipation, their unwavering loyalty to Jac and their families fueling their determination to see this through.

The tension in the warehouse was palpable, a living, breathing entity that wrapped around each person present like a weighted chain. Jac stared down at Caleb, his eyes cold and unyielding as he took control of the situation.

“Who’s your accomplice, Caleb?” Jac asked, his voice low and dangerous. He glanced at his team members, who stood by his side, their faces reflecting the same determination that fueled his own. “This isn’t just about you and me anymore. You’ve dragged my entire team into this mess. We deserve to hear from your lips who else is responsible.”

Caleb hesitated, his eyes darting back and forth between Jac and the exit, as if calculating the odds of making a run for it. The desperation that had been simmering beneath the surface now threatened to boil over, and it was clear he was struggling with the decision between loyalty to his comrade and self-preservation.

“Come on, Caleb,” Jac urged, leaning in closer. “You’re already going down for this. Don’t protect someone who wouldn’t do the same for you.”

For a moment, it seemed as if Caleb would remain silent, his jaw clenched tight and his gaze fixed on some unseen point in the distance. He hesitated, his gaze flickering between Jac and the rest of the team. The internal struggle was evident on his face, torn between protecting his comrade or facing the consequences alone.

But then, something shifted within him, and the defiance that had driven him thus far seemed to crumble under the weight of Jac’s words.
