Page 122 of Sinners are Winners

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“I didn’t try to force her.” He seemed as if he was getting agitated, wanting Lock to understand. “But this isn’t about that. This is about her.”

He emphasized the ‘her’ by pointing the gun at my face.

I felt the bottom drop out of my stomach.

Lock tensed beside me.

And then I realized what he was doing.

He was trying to keep the gun trained on him.

That was why he did what he did next.

“This isn’t about you almost raping my sister?” Lock drawled, sounding calm and collected, but his body language saying anything but.

Kristoff dropped his gun slightly, now aiming it around my lower extremities, and not my face.

“Yes,” he said. “This is about her, and her ruining my life.”

He punctuated that by jabbing the gun in my direction.

“Ruining your life?” Lock asked. “How is that?”

Kristoff reached his free hand up to tug at his ear.

“I was happy in Longview. Then she showed up. Even Kilgore is too close,” he snarled.

I blinked.

I hadn’t even known he was in Texas!

I felt sick to my stomach.

“All you had to do was leave,” he said. “I would’ve left it alone.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, so I didn’t.

Lock pricked at his temper, though, trying to keep the focus on himself.

I didn’t like it…but I knew that I wouldn’t like it even more if I had a gunshot wound in my face.

“A town doesn’t belong to anybody,” he said. “The Longview/ Kilgore area is more than big enough to house two people. Obviously since I was able to deal with having your stupid ass in the city all this time, you could’ve dealt with whatever imaginary beef that you have with Saylor.”

“Imaginary?” Kristoff laughed. “What I feel isn’t imaginary! She pushed me away, got me kicked out when I needed someone the most!”

I blinked at his anger.

“So, you thought it was okay to cut yourself and do fucked up shit in front of an impressionable kid, and it was okay?” Lock asked, sounding just as incredulous as I felt.

“Yes!” he said. “It was a cry for help!”

“It might’ve been,” Lock agreed. “But you put his kid in jeopardy. He’s always going to choose his own kid.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” Kristoff sneered. “I was dropped like a goddam rock the moment she opened her mouth.”

Lock tensed on the bed.

He reached out and struck me across the face, startling both of us.
