Page 125 of Sinners are Winners

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“There were no bullets in the gun,” I said.

“Didn’t know that at the time,” Dad said. “What if there were?”

I didn’t say anything to that.

“Kid’s fucked up,” Kettle finally said. “There’s a possibility of brain damage.”

I felt my stomach drop.

At the time that I’d been kicking his ass, I hadn’t felt bad in the least.

It was only after I’d seen the damage I’d done to Kristoff, and realized that was exactly what he’d wanted, did I start to feel bad for going so far.

“The kid needs his brain unscrambled,” Kettle said. “Maybe you did that for him.”

I rolled my eyes.

“He walked into this house and pointed a gun at my kid,” Kettle said then. “If you hadn’t have beaten him, I’d have shot him.”

“He had a kid at home,” I said. “I heard him saying that as I was kicking his ass. Not to kill him. He had a kid.”

“That excuses his behavior?” Dad asked. “I heard from Luke that that kid was left alone for what was likely a day, if not more. He’s two. He had no toys. No clothes. Was in a diaper that had been on so long that he has a raging infection. Tell me…does that sound like a man that needs sympathy?”

When he put it that way, no.

“The kid okay?” I asked curiously.

Dad grunted. “Yes. He’s staying with a buddy from the PD for the time being. They need to look into his background before anything else can be done.”

I rubbed my forehead.

“I’m tired.”

Dad locked his hand around my neck and squeezed.

“Go talk to your girl, bud,” he ordered. “She can’t stop staring at you.”

I looked up to find that he was right.

Though Saylor was standing in the middle of a bunch of women, all of them chattering on, her eyes were on me.

I stood up and felt the alcohol immediately and swayed.

Dad steadied me and I said, “Thanks.”

Saylor watched me walking over, her eyes on me every step I took.

Her smile was soft when I finally arrived at the edge of the group.

“Ladies,” I said. “Mind if I steal Saylor for a second?”

Saylor didn’t give them a chance to object.

Only walked to me and threw her arms around my middle.

I turned us so that we were heading in the opposite direction of all the people.

She guided me to a small pond, and before long, I was sitting on the edge of the dock right next to her.
