Page 1 of For Once

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The warm night air clung to Melissa's skin like a damp shroud as she stood outside the grimy warehouse in a sketchy part of Dallas. Her eyes scanned the desolate surroundings, searching for any sign of the other photographers she had expected to meet there. The email invitation she received had been cryptic but enticing, offering an exclusive opportunity for photographers who shared her penchant for the slightly unconventional. She could already envision the edgy content that would set her social media feed ablaze.

Must be fashionably late as usual, Melissa thought to herself, trying to shake off the unsettling feeling creeping up her spine. The invitation had mentioned an early showing and first dibs on photographing unique taxidermy displays, and she couldn't afford to miss out on such a rare chance.

As the minutes ticked by, Melissa began to feel a gnawing sense of unease. Why hadn't any other influencers arrived yet? Were they all inside already? Her curiosity finally overpowered her apprehension, and she pushed open the old rusty door with a creak that resonated through the silent night.

Inside, dim lighting cast eerie shadows on the walls and floor, emphasizing the musty smell of dust and age that pervaded the warehouse. Squinting into the darkness, Melissa's heartbeat quickened as her eyes adjusted to reveal the twisted shapes of taxidermized animals lurking in the gloom. It was a grotesque yet riveting spectacle that both repulsed and excited her creative senses.

Everyone must be further inside, she rationalized, though her gut screamed at her to turn back and leave this place. But the lure of the exclusive photos, the potential boost to her online presence, kept her feet firmly planted on the cold concrete floor.

She took a deep breath and pushing deeper into the shadowy world of preserved creatures and unspoken secrets. Little did she know how much her life was about to change.

"Hello?" Melissa called out hesitantly, her voice cracking slightly and echoing through the warehouse. She strained her ears for any response, but all she could hear was the sound of her own breathing. "Is anyone here?" Her words lingered in the air, unanswered. A trickle of sweat slid down her spine as she started to question her presence in the warehouse. Did she misinterpret the email? Maybe she wasn't supposed to be here so late. But then again, the door had been open... Was she inadvertently breaking and entering? The thought sent a shiver down her spine, causing her grip on her camera to tighten.

She tried to shake off the unease that crawled under her skin. After a moment of deliberation, she reasoned that since she was already inside and no one else seemed to be there, she might as well make the most of it. Besides, her followers were bound to love the exclusive photos.

"Alright, you gorgeous, creepy creatures," she said softly, raising her camera and peering through the viewfinder. "Let's give my followers something they'll never forget."

As she moved through the dimly lit space, Melissa captured shots of towering bears with menacing snarls and exotic birds with iridescent feathers that shimmered beneath the weak light. Each photograph felt like a triumph, an opportunity she wouldn't normally have access to, and her excitement began to rise.

Wow, this is going to blow their minds, she thought, clicking away at the unique taxidermy displays that surrounded her. The adrenaline coursed through her veins, momentarily pushing her doubts and fears aside. This was her chance to shine as an influencer and show the world her creative vision.

Melissa paused for a moment, lowering her camera and scanning the warehouse once more. Maybe I just got lucky tonight, she mused, her heart pounding in her chest as she resumed her photographic exploration. Little did she know that her luck was about to take a dramatic turn for the worse.

As Melissa continued to capture the eerie beauty of the taxidermy displays, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The air seemed to grow heavier with each step, and the shadows cast by the dim lighting appeared to dance menacingly on the walls.

Focus, Melissa. You're just spooking yourself, she thought, attempting to steady her trembling hands as she snapped another photo.

Suddenly, the faint sound of scuffling feet caught her attention. Her heart thudded in her chest as she spun around, searching for the source of the noise. But there was no one there—only the motionless forms of the taxidermy animals.

"Hello?" she called out again, her voice wavering. "Is someone there?"

The warehouse remained silent, save for the pounding of her own heartbeat in her ears. Melissa's breath hitched in her throat as her anxiety intensified, the thrill of her exclusive photo opportunity quickly morphing into a sense of dread.

"Enough," she muttered to herself, forcing her legs to move. She needed to get out of there now. As she hurried through the aisles, the once fascinating taxidermy creatures now seemed to leer at her, the lifeless eyes following her every movement.

Almost there, almost there, she repeated in her mind, her eyes locked on the exit.

But just as she was about to reach the door, a strong hand grabbed her from behind, spinning her around with terrifying force. Melissa gasped as she stared into the wild eyes of a crazed man, his grip like iron around her arms.

"Ah, my beautiful little butterfly," he murmured, his breath hot against her face. "I've been waiting for you."

"Let me go!" Melissa screamed, struggling in vain against the man's grasp. Fear coursed through her veins as she realized the true danger she was in.

What had started as a seemingly lucky opportunity had become her worst nightmare.


Morgan Cross stepped cautiously into the dimly lit alleyway, her heart pounding in her chest, each thud echoing through her body like rolling thunder. The drizzle sent shivers down her spine, but it was the thought of facing Thomas Grady that truly chilled her to the bone.

She'd once trusted him, believed they were part of the same team within the FBI. Yet now, he revealed himself to be nothing more than a common criminal, responsible for stealing away her precious Pitbull, Skunk.

"Damn you, Thomas," she muttered under her breath, her dark hair sticking to her face from the dampness of the night. As she moved further into the narrow passage, she realized with growing dread that this place held another secret—one she had buried deep within herself.

With each step, the memory took shape, materialized before her eyes. She saw Darren La Roux, the ex-convict who had tried to kill her, his lifeless form crumpled on the ground. It was there, in that very alley, where Morgan had fought back against her would-be killer. The shove she gave him wasn't meant to be fatal, but when Darren's head struck the corner of the dumpster with a sickening crack, she knew there was no coming back for him. Morgan had kept the incident a secret, hiding her involvement from everyone around her. But now, it seemed Thomas had somehow unearthed one of her darkest moments.

And yet she was still out, free. Thomas hadn't reported it. Why? What was his angle?
