Page 39 of For Once

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Derik pulled up outside of the location Morgan had told him about. The moon cast an eerie glow over the dilapidated buildings and the overgrown foliage that seemed to be swallowing them whole. He shuddered involuntarily at the sight and couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding.

"Damn it, Morgan," he muttered under his breath, his concern for her growing with each passing second. He parked his car next to hers and quickly dialed her number, hoping she'd pick up and reassure him that everything was fine. But when he heard a faint ringing coming from inside her car, his heart sank.

"Shit," he whispered, moving closer to the vehicle and peering through the window. There, on the passenger seat, lay Morgan's phone, its screen lighting up with each ring. She never went anywhere without it – which meant she was already inside and possibly in trouble.

"Okay, focus," Derik told himself, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He drew his gun and approached the entrance to the wildlife center, the ominous feeling in the pit of his stomach only growing stronger. "Morgan needs you."

"Hey, Morgan!" he called out as he stepped into the shadows, his voice echoing through the dark halls of the building. "Morgan, can you hear me?" No response came, and the silence only served to heighten his anxiety. Every instinct in his body screamed at him to proceed with caution, but his concern for his partner drove him forward.

Derik's heart pounded in his chest as he approached the old, decaying building, the moon casting eerie shadows across the cracked and worn concrete. He couldn't shake the nagging feeling that Morgan was in trouble, and it fueled his every step. The image of her bruised face flashed through his mind, reminding him of how tired and vulnerable she must be at this moment.

"Damn it, Morgan," he muttered under his breath, his worry for her intensifying. "Why did you forget your phone?"

As Derik reached the rusty door, he noticed it was slightly ajar, an ominous invitation into the darkness within. He paused, listening intently for any hint of movement or sound. Hearing nothing but the distant rustle of leaves in the wind, he took a deep breath to steady himself and gripped his gun tightly.

"Here goes nothing," he whispered, pushing the door open with a soft creak.

The interior of the wildlife center was nearly pitch black, barely illuminated by the faint glow of moonlight filtering through the broken windows. Derik stood still for a moment, allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness as he scanned the room, searching for any signs of life.

"Keep it together, Derik," he told himself, as he ventured deeper into the decrepit building. "Morgan needs you."

"Hey, Morgan!" he called out, his voice echoing through the desolate halls. "Morgan, can you hear me?" When no response came, his anxiety heightened, and he felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on his shoulders. He moved cautiously through the shadows. His eyes darted around the crumbling interior, searching for any clue that Morgan had been here. As he progressed further into the building, the oppressive atmosphere grew more intense, making each step feel like a battle.

Please be okay, Morgan, he thought desperately, his gun raised and ready for action. I'm coming for you.


Morgan's heart raced as she stared down the barrel of her gun, aimed straight at Adam Sallow. His one good eye bore into hers, unflinching and cold. The scar on his right eye seemed to pulse with menace, a constant reminder of the pain he had endured.

"Shoot again, and you'll never find her," Adam warned, his voice calm and measured. "She's alive, for now."

Morgan's grip tightened on the gun, but she hesitated. She couldn't risk losing the chance to save the victim. With a frustrated sigh, she kicked the gun away, sliding it across the grimy floor. Her mind raced, reminding herself that she had another weapon hidden. For now, though, she needed to bide her time.

"Your eye," Morgan said, trying to keep her voice steady despite the pounding in her chest. "How did you lose it?"

A flicker of emotion crossed Adam's face, as if her question had struck a nerve. He looked around the decrepit wildlife center, the place where it had all begun for him.

"Right here," he replied, gesturing to their surroundings. "This place transformed me – made me stronger, a visionary, an artist." His gaze returned to Morgan, intense and unwavering. "I've been killing birds since I can remember. All birds except one – the bird that did this to me." He pointed to his scarred eye, a twisted grin forming on his lips.

As Morgan listened, she tried to suppress the shudder that ran through her body. She needed to stay focused and look for an opportunity to gain the upper hand.

"Your eye," Morgan continued, studying him closely. "I know what kind of bird did that to you – a crow during nesting season. They can be vicious." She recalled her father teaching her about the various behaviors of birds, never realizing how useful that knowledge would become.

Adam's gaze narrowed, and he chuckled darkly. "You're more observant than I gave you credit for, Agent Cross."

"Then enlighten me," she pressed, hoping to extract more information from him. "Why did you discard your first three victims? Were they not worthy of your nest?"

"Naïve," Adam sneered, shaking his head. "As if those were my first victims. No, the ones I left behind simply didn't possess the qualities I sought. I choose my victims carefully, Morgan. And now, I've chosen you."

"Me?" Morgan scoffed, trying to hide the fear that crept into her voice. "There's nothing special about me."

"Ah, but you're wrong," he countered, his voice softening as he studied her. "Someone with as many scars as you – both emotional and physical – is a bird indeed. A raven. Not rare, but still fascinating all the same. Not worthy of my nest, of course…”

A distant shout echoed through the abandoned wildlife center, and Morgan's heart leaped into her throat as she recognized Derik's voice calling her name. Relief and terror warred within her, knowing that he'd found her, but fearing for his life at the hands of Adam Sallow.

"Seems like you have company," Adam mused before vanishing into the shadows, leaving Morgan to wrestle with the conflicting emotions surging through her. Desperation clawed at her chest as she realized she needed to find a way to save both herself and her partner.
