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Dane increases the pressure on her clit, his fingers plunging. She's squirming, her moans echoing in the quiet of the room. Dane bites her nipple, his teeth grazing her flesh.

"Oooh, that's it. Fuck, that's it. I'm coming." Brittany arches her back, bearing down on his fingers. Then her body relaxes. "That was too quick," she pouts.

"Quick or not, I like watching you come." Dane rubs his cock. He'd eagerly ask Brittany to give him head or a hand job if he had more time. But he doesn't. "I wish I didn't have to go. I'd love to play with you a lot longer and erase that pout of yours, but I don't have that choice." He kisses her forehead and pulls away, getting up from the bed.

Brittany rolls over and turns on the lamp. She pushes herself to the headboard and watches Dane get dressed. She looks disappointed that he's leaving. "Are you sure you can't stay? We could get another box of condoms when the pharmacy opens and have a repeat."

Dane sighs. "You have no idea how much I want to stay. But I can't. I'm sorry."

Brittany's mouth forms into another little pout. "Damn. Well, at least we had last night, although I really would love a repeat. I've never brought someone to my hotel room before, and I found you quite enjoyable."

"Is that code for you loved the sex?" he laughs.

"That's a definite yes. I believe this is the best vacation I've ever had."

"Glad to know I'm leaving you happy…and satisfied." Dane goes to the door and studies her as if trying to imprint her image into his memory. Then he gives her a warm smile and walks out.

He hurries across the street. Short on time, he'll have to hustle to get cleaned up and off to work, needing to be physically at his station by six o'clock. He's been in his position since March and is doing everything possible to excel in his job and learn several others, hoping to use the knowledge to better himself and the company.

Dashing through the archway to the alcove outside his building's front door, he can't help but remember being here last night—his body pressing Brittany's against the wall as he savored her tantalizing breasts and soft lips, the scent of vanilla on her skin. It was a night he'll never forget, spent with a woman he wants to see again but knows he can't.

Shaking his head, he pushes her image from his mind and hurries through the door and up the stairs to the second floor. Extracting the key from his pocket, he enters his cousin's apartment and turns on the light in the living room. He's halfway across the floor when the bedroom door opens, and his younger cousin pokes his head of wildly tousled black hair out.

"Hey, Dane, what happened to you last night? You had me worried. You took off to get something for your headache and didn't come back."

"Hi, Georgi. Sorry about that. It turned out to be a bizarre evening. Remember the woman who thought I was an employee of the hotel across the street? She's the one I mentioned to you before I left."

"Yeah, I remember. What about her?"

"I ran into her in the pharmacy. We ended up having dinner, and then we went to her hotel. I've been with her all night."

"Wow, that's pretty wild. I knew you were frustrated and lonely, but that's not what I expected," Georgi teases, a smirk twisting his mouth. He flings the bedroom door fully open and steps into the living room. Barefoot and wearing only briefs, he shuffles across the wood floor and plops on the couch.

"It's not what I expected either. And I can assure you I've been perfectly content lately. So you can kick the thought that I'm lonely out of your head. Besides, I wasn't out last night looking for company. I have so much on my plate right now; I don't need the distraction. We happened to run into each other, and I found her to be quite enjoyable. Dinner led to us spending thenight together, and now it's over, although I did have quite a memorable evening."

"So you don't plan on seeing her again?"

Dane leans against the wall as he mulls over Georgi's question, his thoughts gravitating back to Brittany and the wildly pleasurable things she did to him. He'd be crazy not to want a repeat of last night, but it isn't in the cards. He made the decision to put his personal life on hold to concentrate on the business, and he isn't willing to change it.

"I found Brittany intriguing, smart, and sexually exhilarating in bed. The best I've ever had, to be truthful. So, yes, I'd like to see her again. But that's not a possibility. She's an American, only here on vacation, and I'm leaving. Besides, Eloise made a valid point when she angrily told me I'm so consumed with my job and learning the business I don't have time for anyone else. And I have even less time available now than I did before. Trying to have a transatlantic relationship on top of that would be even more impossible."

"But don't you think most of your relationship problems with Eloise stemmed from her demanding nature? I mean, you can't deny she's moody, arrogant, and high-maintenance, and she does insist on running around in those high-society social circles you dislike. Honestly, I don't think fancy charity events and nightly parties are what makes you tick."

"Christ, you might be wiser than I gave you credit for, especially for someone so young and naive." Dane grins, clearly teasing his cousin.

"Hey, no need to pick on me because you're an old man." Georgi tosses the couch pillow at Dane, which he easily dodges.

"Excuse me? Ten years older than you does not make me old." Dane chuckles at their banter. Even though they have an age gap, he enjoys spending time with his younger cousin.

Dane glances at the wall clock in the living room. "I better shower and get ready for work, or I'll be late."

"Good idea. You don't want to mess up that perfect record of yours."

Dane hurries down the hallway off the kitchen and into the smaller secondary bedroom he uses when he's here. Georgi's father, who is Dane's uncle on his mother's side, pays for the apartment, and Dane rents the unused space from Georgi.

Dane strips off his clothes and goes to their shared bathroom to shower and shave. He dresses in his uniform and grabs his backpack when he's finished. A glance at his watch tells him he's cutting it close.

Too close.

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