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"Perfect timing. Lacey was getting ready to open her presents. I'll put your gift on the table with the rest," Aaron says, taking the box from Lacey's hand and walking away.

"No! Wait." I take a step toward him.

Aaron stops and turns to face me, an eyebrow raised on his tanned face, the remnants of their Caribbean vacation a few weeks ago. "Is there a problem?"

"No…yes. It's a special gift. I want Lacey to open it in private."

"Oh?" Aaron gives me a puzzled look.

"You're being silly, Britt." Lacey waves her hand to dismiss Aaron. "You always give me the perfect gifts with some sentimental theme behind them. They're special, and there's no reason for me not to share."

"Oh, this one's special, all right," I mutter under my breath.

"What?" Lacey and Troy say in unison.

"Nothing." I shake my head, my gaze strategically on Aaron. I can feel my pulse race as I memorize where he puts my gift, which is in no way intended for anyone's eyes but Lacey's.

"I'm going to get you a drink. God knows you need it." Troy gives me one of his irritated looks as he takes off for the bar while I follow Lacey to the table full of presents.

I stand there, my heart thumping in my chest as Lacey sits beside Aaron. He reaches over—his hand hovering above an assortment of pretty bows, fancy ribbons, and bright wrapping paper, the jumble of different-sized boxes stacked across the table.

No, not mine. Dear God, not mine!Sweat beads on my forehead as my mind screams in panic.

Aaron's hand floats across the mountain of gifts, a finger grazing the tip of my golden bow. He hesitates, eyes scanning the table of treasures, while he decides which one to choose. He snatches a shoebox-sized present wrapped in pink-and-white paper with a silver bow.

I slowly let out my breath as Lacey unwraps a cashmere scarf.

Word spreads that she's opening her gifts, and the birthday crowd gathers. I hold my breath as Aaron's hand snakes through the pile, searching for another material offering given to Lacey in exchange for her friendship. His long, agile fingers disappear into a sea of wrapping paper, returning with a small box wrapped in blue foil.

Oohs and aahs ring through the guests as Lacey unwraps an expensive perfume.

Aaron reaches again, his fingers creeping closer to my package of anger-laced dynamite. His digits hover, my stomach roils, and I feel like I'm playing a game of Russian roulette. Then his hand dips, and he grabs a large box wrapped in a rose-covered paper.

My nerves stretch even tighter as the waiting drags on.

Feeling sick with my skin prickling as if a thousand glass-head sewing pins were poking me at once, I back away from the circle of onlookers. My mind turns like a bunch of whizzing gears as I decide whether to stay and face the clusterfuck of a drama about to unfold or slowly slink out of the restaurant to save some semblance of my dignity. My options are ping-ponging in my head when Troy slides into place next to me with a glass of wine in each hand. Sweating and ready to jump out of my skin from the anticipation, I grab one of the glasses and swig it.

"What the hell? I think you're losing it," he says, acting like he's concerned.

I stare at him.

Aaron reaches again, and it's as if I can feel the goblin of doom creeping ever closer, and then I suck in my breath. I'm no longer safe, his hand clasping my gift. He hands it to Lacey, and she gives me a stunning smile before turning to her friends.

"This is something special from my bestie, Britt," she says gleefully. "We've been best friends since junior high."

"Lacey…no…please," I plead from my place several yards away. "You should open my gift in private."

"You're being silly. Stop it." Lacey opens my box and stares at the single Swarovski crystal drop earring. She looks at me as the color drains from her face.

Aaron takes the box from her hand and holds it up so everyone can see what it is.

"A single earring. Are you crazy? What kind of gift is that?" Troy eyes me as if I've lost it.

"Not crazy at all. I'm surprised you don't recognize the earring," I retort, my patience gone. "You're a fucking ass and a goddamn cheat. I found it in your apartment yesterday when I went there after I flew home, intending to surprise you when you got off work. It turns out I was the one surprised. Now, get the hell away from me." I let out a low-pitched growl between my clenched teeth—the lion in me released.

Nearby mouths gape at the spectacle of my death stare, heated words, and Troy's stunned and pale face.

He slowly backs away with a newfound fear in his eyes.
