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"Sure. We were outside the castle, and one of the ladies I was with had her hat blown off in the wind. I went to chase after it, and the next thing I knew, I was sprawled face down on the cobblestone."

Beckett purses his lips. "Did you notice anyone trip you?"

"Honestly, it occurred so fast, I'm not sure what happened."

"Thank you, that's what I needed to know. Doctor, what does Miss Walker need to do?"

"I suggest she ice her wrist for twenty minutes. I can have one of the staff bring her an ice pack."

"Since someone is bringing me ice, can I have my dinner in here? I'd rather not go to the dining room right now." Already having made a spectacle of myself this afternoon, I preferred not to add to it, at least not in the busy dining room where I was sure to garner a round of whispers and stares. By breakfast, everything should have calmed down.

"Yes, we can do that," Beckett says. "I'll have someone bring you tonight's menu."

"I don't need one. The New York steak is on the menu every night, so I'd like that, cooked medium, a Caesar salad, and the crème brûlée."

"Certainly. If the doctor doesn't need anything else, we'll leave you alone."

"Yes, I'm finished with her. I've seen what I needed to see," Dr. Crowley says.

Beckett and the doctor leave, and I lean against the closed door. Although I was mildly curious about who they talked to, it didn't matter. I couldn't tell if Jerry tripped me, and it already sounded like a case of he said, she said. With a shrug of my shoulder, I turn on the television and try to relax in the chair. It isn't long before there's another knock on my door.

I open it to find Mitre holding a tray in his hand.

"Your dinner and an ice pack, madam."

I stand back and let him enter. "You can put it on the dresser."

Mitre sets the tray down. "Did you want something to drink? I can bring you something from the bar."

"No, that's fine. I have a bottle of water."

"All right. Set your tray in the hallway when you're finished."

"Thank you, I will."

Mitre goes to the door and hesitates. I can see him glancing at my hand.

I smile at him. "My wrist is fine. There's some swelling and bruising, but it's not terrible."

Mitre grins. "Good. I'll let Dane know. He made me promise to find out if you're all right. He would have brought your tray down, except he's helping in the dining room and can't get away. Most of the guests are having dinner early because of the concert."

Shit! I'd forgotten about the Mozart and Strauss concert this evening. Oh, well. I'd have to miss it. After the day's events, I didn't feel like getting all decked out to go into the city center. I had to admit, though, Mitre's comment that Dane asked about me made me feel better.

"You can tell Dane I appreciate his concern."

"I will." Mitre hurries out the door.

I pull my tray over to the desk and sit on the stool to ice my wrist while I watch television and eat my dinner, the steak making the cabin smell delicious.

There's a knock on my door an hour later, followed by "Housekeeping."

I get up, but the door opens before I can reach it. A young lady walks in, halting when she sees me. She looks embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry. I thought you'd gone to the concert and your cabin was empty. I came to turn down your bed," the housekeeper says.

"Please don't apologize. It's all right. Now that you're here, I'll go to the lounge."

"I didn't mean to make you leave."

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