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Chapter Thirteen


Itold the ladies I'd changed my mind and wouldn't be joining them on the tour to the Benedictine Abbey. Instead, I'd be taking the electric bike tour along the Danube from where we're docked in Krems to the small town of Dürnstein—Dürnstein Castle, known as the place where Leopold V of Austria imprisoned Richard the Lionheart while he was returning from a crusade. The ladies said they were disappointed I wouldn't accompany them but hoped I would have fun.

I'm not sure about that one.

I haven't ridden a bike since childhood and can't remember being very good at it. Unfortunately, electric bikes are faster and heavier than traditional ones since they have a small motor. That fact is concerning, especially since I've always been on the klutzy side. But I'm on a mission to purchase condoms for the second time—in a foreign country where the people speak a language I don't understand. All this so I can have wild, mind-blowing sexwith Dane for the next three nights. Do I believe my extra effort will be worth it? That's a definite yes!

Feeling nervous, I walk over to my tour group as they gather on the promenade beside the ship and listen to our guide go over the safety and riding instructions. Our electric bikes have both peddle assist and throttles, and the guide cautions us to be careful with the throttle since the power boost could catch an inexperienced rider by surprise. Reflecting on my uncoordinated behavior and propensity for having strange things happen to me, I decide it's a feature I'll be staying away from—at least for the first half of the ride.

We slip on our helmets and choose one of the electric bikes brought from the ship to the dock. Our guide tells us to mount our equipment, keeping the bikes turned off until we're safely settled. I'm readying to get on mine when a scream rips through the air, and something slams into my bike from behind.

The impact sends me flying.

Stunned, I'm lying on the ground several feet away—sprawled across my bike with the wind knocked out of me. I struggle to breathe as I rapidly blink my eyes.

Voices screech out in concern as several people rush over and help me to my feet. I'm slightly confused and lean against a red-haired woman standing beside me. Looking over my shoulder, I see one of the ladies in our group splattered on her back, with two men trying to assist her.

"What happened?" I murmur, glancing up at the red-haired woman. I slowly pull away from her.

"It looks like Maureen had her bike turned on and accidentally hit the throttle when she mounted it, making her bike shoot forward and plow into you. She got thrown off, and you got knocked down." The woman tilts her head and scrunches an eye at me. "Are you all right?"

A gentleman joins us before I can answer. He shakes his head while he watches the woman lying on the ground. "That wasn't good at all. I think Maureen might have hurt her hip or her back. We're not sure yet. She seems a bit disoriented." The man pulls his attention from Maureen and eyes me carefully. "Her bike hit yours pretty hard. Are you okay?"

"I think so. I was holding on to the handlebar when my bike shot forward. I went with it and landed on my chest on the bike. It knocked the wind out of me for a second. Other than that, I feel okay, although I'm sure I'll have another set of bruises by tonight."

"You got lucky," the man and woman say in unison.

Several crew members rush down the gangway and help Maureen as she attempts to sit up. Our guide hurries over to me.

"Are you all right? You went down hard."

"From what I can tell, I am. But I won't be going on the tour. Having an accident before we even start is definitely a bad sign. I'm going to walk around town instead." I undo the strap on my helmet and hand it to him, seeing the concern on his face. I ignore it, figuring this is my opportunity to get away since the crew and one of the managers are fussing over Maureen and will likely be coming my way next. If I wait, they might make me go back on the ship, and I don't want to take that chance. I take several steps and feel a slight pull in my ankle. I hesitate for the briefest moment, then keep going. There's no way I'm going to blow my escape.

Luckily, my ankle loosens up after several blocks, and I expel a grateful breath. Continuing my stroll, I round a park and notice a stone archway up ahead. I go through it, instantly realizing I've scored. I'm now in a pedestrian-only shopping district full of cafés and shops.

After browsing a cute little souvenir shop, I meander through the area and window-shop. I'm about to head back the way Icame when I spot a drugstore down a side street and internally scream with glee. Ten minutes later, I'm standing in front of the building with a package of condoms in my backpack—a box of twelve this time.

Ready to head back, I make one last stop at an adorable coffee shop and sit at one of the tables cordoned off in front, my mind reflecting on the earlier event. I can't help but wonder why it's always me that strange and ridiculous mishaps fall upon. Sometimes, I swear I'm marked. If a meteorite were to hit Europe at this very moment, I'd be the one it would pulverize. That's just the way it is. Not to mention, whenever I think things are going great in my life, something stupid usually happens. Dane is a good example. Now that we're getting along, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Why? Because it always does. Maybe the happiness gods think me unworthy. I don't know why, but I sure wish it would stop.

Sighing, I finish my caffè latte and walk back to the ship. I must have been gone longer than I thought because the Benedictine Abbey tour group is also returning. I cross the gangway with the others, the reception area becoming a mass of bodies. Dodging and twisting, I maneuver through the group and head down the corridor toward my cabin. I've almost reached it when I hear my name called. Turning, I spot Iris and Rose coming toward me.

Iris waves to get my attention. "They're calling for you at the front desk. You didn't scan your key card when you came on board."

"Shoot, I forgot." I drag my backpack off my shoulder and rifle through it, trying to locate my key card. Unable to find it, I unzip my bag almost completely and jostle it around in my hands. I cringe in horror when my box of condoms lands on the floor by my feet.

"My goodness." Iris sounds surprised, her eyes wide as she stares at the box. After a second or two, she looks up at me, a grin lighting her face.

Then, a crew member calls out my name.

I jump and look at Iris. Before I can move an inch, she conveniently drops her scarf. The periwinkle-patterned garment lands on the box right as the gentleman reaches me. I shoot Iris an appreciative glance and turn to the man.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"Miss Walker, you didn't scan your key card. I need you to return to the reception area and scan it so everyone knows you're back on the ship."

"I'm so sorry, I forgot. There were so many people standing there. I was just trying to get through the mob," I blabber unnecessarily.
